
English: Conversations When is dinner?

conversationsEnglish: Conversations When is dinner? dinner

Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    English    Indonesian 
 When is dinner? 
 A little girl tells her mother that she is hungry 
 soundWhat time is it mommy? 
 soundIt is quarter to seven. 
 soundI'm hungry. 
 soundWhen are we going to eat? 
 soundWe always eat at seven thirty. 
 soundThat's when your father gets home. 
 soundWell then, can I play with Karen until dinnertime? 
 soundYes, but you have to be home in half an hour. 
 soundYour father doesn't like to wait. 
doorsounddoor soundpintu
tablesoundtable soundmeja
windowsoundwindow soundjendela
curtainsoundcurtain soundtirai
flowerssoundflowers soundbunga
platesoundplate soundpiring makan
clocksoundclock soundjam dinding