
English: Conversations A Friend's Visit

conversationsEnglish: Conversations A Friend's Visit hello-family

Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    English    Indonesian 
 A Friend's Visit 
 A young boy greets his friend's family. 
 soundHello, my name is Mike Brown. 
 soundI'm a friend of Paul's. 
 soundHello, Mike. 
 soundHello, Mrs. Thomas. 
 soundHello, Mike. How are you? 
 soundFine, thank you. 
 soundAnd you? 
 soundHello, I'm Mike. 
 soundHi Mike, my name is Cindy. 
 soundI'm Paul's sister. 
 soundHi Cindy. It's nice to meet you. 
 soundHey, Mike! How's it going? 
 soundGreat! Let's go. 
 soundGoodbye, Mom. See you later. 
 soundGoodbye, Mrs. Thomas. 
 soundGoodbye, boys. 
doorsounddoor soundpintu
curtainsoundcurtain soundtirai
lampsoundlamp soundlampu
sofasoundsofa soundsofa
mothersoundmother soundibu
boysoundboy soundanak laki
televisionsoundtelevision soundTV