
English: Conversations Why?

conversationsEnglish: Conversations Why? why

Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    English    German 
 Why? Was machst du, Mami?
 A little girl asks many questions. Ein kleines Mädchen stellt viele Fragen.
 soundWhat are you doing mommy? soundWas machst du, Mutti?
 soundI'm packing the suitcase. soundIch packe den Koffer.
 soundYour father and I are going on a vacation. soundDein Vater und ich fahren in den Urlaub.
 soundWhere are you going? soundWohin fahrt ihr?
 soundWe are going to Florida, to the beach. soundWir fahren nach Rügen, zum Strand.
 soundWhich beach? soundAn welchen Strand?
 soundThe beach at Sanibel Island. soundDen Strand in Binz.
 soundWhen are you leaving? soundWann fahrt ihr?
 soundWe are leaving Saturday. soundWir fahren am Samstag.
 soundHow are you going? soundWomit fahrt ihr?
 soundWe are flying. soundWir fliegen.
 soundHow long will you be there? soundWie lange bleibt ihr dort?
 soundWe will be gone for one week. soundWir fliegen nur für eine Woche.
 soundWho is going to take care of us? soundUnd wer kümmert sich um uns?
 soundYour grandmother is coming Friday. soundDeine Oma kommt am Freitag.
 soundWhy do you need a vacation, Mommy? soundWarum brauchst du Urlaub, Mutti?
 soundYou play with us all day. soundDu spielst mit uns den ganzen Tag!
fathersoundfather soundVater
daughtersounddaughter soundTochter
grandmothersoundgrandmother soundOma
bedsoundbed soundBett
suitcasesoundsuitcase soundKoffer
beachsoundbeach soundStrand
dressersounddresser soundKommode
floorsoundfloor soundBoden
calendarsoundcalendar soundKalender
mothersoundmother soundMutter
airplanesoundairplane soundFlugzeug