
English: Culture Pavarotti

cultureEnglish: Culture Pavarotti pavarotti

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    English    French 
 soundLuciano Pavarotti 
 soundLuciano Pavarotti was one of the most successful tenors of all time. 
 soundHe made his debut at the Reggio Emilia Theatre. 
 soundHis early life was very hard.  
 soundTo pay his voice lessons He once sold insurance to pay for voice lessons. 
 soundWe all have bad habits.  
 soundPavarotti had a bad habit of cancelling performances at the last minute. 
 soundLyric Opera of Chicago refused to hire him because of that bad habit. 
 soundHe won a Grammy award for his wonderful singing. 
 soundHe was kind hearted too.  
 soundHe hosted concerts in Italy to help people in need. 
 soundHe married his personal assistant. 
 soundHe and his wife had a daughter, Alice. 
 soundHis final performance in opera was at the Metropolitan in March 2004.