
English: Main concepts My Family

learnEnglish: Main concepts My Family

How to play: The grandmother introduces herself and all of the members of her family.

Click nextto hear the next sentence. Click the yellow buttons to hear the words.

After you have met the whole family, you can click on any two people to find out the relationship. The relationship is described in two ways. For example, "I am her grandmother" and "She is my granddaughter".

What is learned: The students learn words for members of the family: mother, father, brother, grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousin, etc. The family that is introduced here is found throughout the activities.

Getting the most out of the activity: The first time you do this activity, you might just learn a few words. Eventually, you should try each of the pairs of people to learn all of the relationships. Repeat the sentences that you hear. Try to say the word before you click the button. Print out the page with the family. This family appears in many of the activities, as you work through the lessons you will get to know them better.

Group activities: Print out the page from the web site, or find pictures of families in a magazine. Have the student write the words mother, father, daughter, son on the picture. Ask questions like, "What is your mother's name?. Do you have a brother? What is his name? etc. Have each student make a picture of his family and label each person.

Note: Names used are different in each language.
    English    RussianTransliteration
 My Family Семья
 soundMy name is Rose. soundМеня зовут Людмила Анатольевна.
 soundJohn is my husband. soundВладимир Алексеевич - мой муж.
 soundWe have a daughter, Jane. soundУ нас есть дочь, Елена
 soundMike is our son. soundАндрей - наш сын.
 soundGeorge is Jane's husband. soundЮрий - муж Елены.
 soundMary is Mike's wife. soundНаталья - жена Андрея.
 soundGeorge and Jane have a son, Paul. soundУ Юрия и Елены есть сын, Игорь.
 soundThey have a daughter, Cindy. soundУ них есть дочь, Настя.
 soundMike and Mary have twins, Debbie and Diane. soundУ Андрея и Натальи двойняшки, Ольга и Мария.
fathersoundfather soundотец
daughtersounddaughter soundдочь
sonsoundson soundсын
parentssoundparents soundродители
grandmothersoundgrandmother soundбабушка
grandfathersoundgrandfather soundдедушка
grandparentssoundgrandparents soundбабушка и дедушка
familysoundfamily soundсемья
mothersoundmother soundмать
childrensoundchildren soundдети
twinssoundtwins soundблизнецы
babysoundbaby soundмалыш