
English: Science Our solar system

scienceEnglish: Science Our solar system

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What is learned: The students learn science vocabulary and concepts.

Getting the most out of the activity: Repeat the words.

    English    MandarinTransliteration
 soundOur solar system sound我们的太阳系
 soundOur solar system is really, really big! sound我们的太阳系是非常,非常大的!
 soundIt is also very, very old. sound它也是非常,非常古老的。
 soundScientists think our solar system is about 5 billion years old. sound科学家们认为,我们的太阳系约有5亿年的历史。
 soundScientists who study our solar system are called astronomers. sound研究我们的太阳系的科学家们,被称为天文学家
 soundPeople who explore the solar system are called astronauts. sound探索太阳系的人,被称为太空人
 soundAstronomers and astronauts help us to learn about our solar system. sound天文学家和太空人,可以帮助我们了解我们的太阳系。
 soundOur solar system is made up of the Sun and 9 planets. sound我们的太阳系,是由太阳和九大行星组成。
 soundThere are also moons, comets, and asteroids. sound也有月亮,彗星和小行星。
 soundMost of our solar system is empty space filled with gas and dust. sound我们太阳系的大部分是空的空间,充满了气体和尘埃。
 soundThe planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. sound行星有水星,金星,地球,火星,木星,土星,天王星,海王星和冥王星。
 soundSome of the planets have moons. sound一些行星拥有卫星。
 soundSaturn has 3 rings. sound土星有3个光环。
 soundThe planets orbit around the sun. sound行星绕着太阳转。
 soundThe moons orbit around their planets. sound卫星绕着他们的行星转。
 soundIn drawings the planets look very close to each other. sound在图画中的行星,看起来,彼此非常接近。
 soundThey aren't! sound但 他们不是!
 soundThey are very, very, far away from each other. sound他们是非常,非常,远离对方。
solar systemsoundsolar system sound太阳系
astronomersoundastronomer sound天文学家
cometsoundcomet sound彗星
asteroidsoundasteroid sound小行星
 soundplanet sound行星
MercurysoundMercury sound 水星
VenussoundVenus sound金星
MarssoundMars sound火星
JupitersoundJupiter sound木星
SaturnsoundSaturn sound土星
UranussoundUranus sound天王星
NeptunesoundNeptune sound海王星
PlutosoundPluto sound冥王星
moonsoundmoon sound月亮
sunsoundsun sound太阳
EarthsoundEarth sound地球
starsoundstar sound星形