
English: Tic-Tac-Toe Scenery

tic-tac-toeEnglish: Tic-Tac-Toe Scenery scenery

How to play:Click on each picture to learn the vocabulary, then select either 1 or 2 people to play.

The ide is to get 3 squares in a row in any direction.

To claim a square, listen to the sound, then select the picture that matches.

What is learned?: This activity makes learning vocabulary fun. A regular tic-tac-toe game usually ends in a tie with older children, but in this version, they have to learn the vocabulary to win.

Getting the most from the game: Click each picture before starting the game. Repeat the word you hear.

Group activity: Select the two person game, and let two groups play against each other.


点击每一幅图片学习词汇,然后选择一个人或两人开始游戏。这个游戏是在方块游戏板上的排行中,使3 个方块连成一条线。为了获得一个正方形,先在绿色箭头的广场上,点击要选择的一个正方形,你将听到这个词,然后点击匹配的图片。



成对的孩子可以一起玩2 个玩家模式。让2个或3个学生作为一个团队发挥。。

    English    MandarinTransliteration
volcanosoundvolcano sound火山
waterfallsoundwaterfall sound瀑布
lakesoundlake sound
shadowsoundshadow sound影子
creeksoundcreek sound小溪
pondsoundpond sound池塘
swampsoundswamp sound沼泽
cornersoundcorner sound街角
junglesoundjungle sound热带丛林
sidewalksoundsidewalk sound人行道
sandsoundsand sound
seasoundsea sound海洋
seaportsoundseaport sound海港
zoosoundzoo sound动物园
rockssoundrocks sound石头
mountainsoundmountain sound
tunnelsoundtunnel sound隧道
riversoundriver sound河流
roadsoundroad sound道路
intersectionsoundintersection sound交叉路口
boulderssoundboulders sound巨石
forestsoundforest sound森林
parking lotsoundparking lot sound停车场
firesoundfire sound
wallsoundwall sound
yardsoundyard sound院子
cabinsoundcabin sound小屋
cavesoundcave sound山洞
shoresoundshore sound
feathersoundfeather sound羽毛
cagesoundcage sound笼子
shacksoundshack sound棚屋
hillsoundhill sound小山
traffic lightsoundtraffic light sound红绿灯
treesoundtree sound
wellsoundwell sound水井
dinosaursounddinosaur sound恐龙
branchsoundbranch sound树枝
nestsoundnest sound鸟巢