
汉语: 汽球游戏一次解释一个单词。 风景

balloon汉语: 汽球游戏一次解释一个单词。 风景 scenery





How to play: When the game starts a balloon will appear with a picture and the word will be pronounced. Click the bouncing balloon as many times as you can to get points. After the balloon bounces off the page, another balloon will appear with a new word. There will now be two balloons and the vocabulary will be reviewed. Each time you hear a word, click on the matching picture. Five to six words will be introduced in this way.

What is learned:  This activity introduces a group of words one at a time. The students will learn the vocabulary in the game.

Getting the most out of the activity: Repeat the words that you hear. Think about each word and picture as you say it.

Group activities: Print out pictures of 5 or 6 words (use the picture dictionary) and tape them to a ball. Toss the ball around. Each student must say the word that is facing up when he catches the ball. Repeat until each student has caught the ball a few times.

    汉语 Transliteration  Hindi/?translate=Hindi 
火山sound火山 huo shansoundvolcano
瀑布sound瀑布 pu busoundwaterfall
湖sound湖 husoundlake
影子sound影子 ying zisoundshadow
小溪sound小溪 xiao xisoundcreek
池塘sound池塘 chi tangsoundpond
沼泽sound沼泽 zhao zesoundswamp
街角sound街角 jie jiaosoundcorner
热带丛林sound热带丛林 re dai cong linsoundjungle
人行道sound人行道 人行道soundsidewalk
沙sound沙 shasoundsand
海洋sound海洋 soundsea
海港sound海港 hai gangsoundseaport
动物园sound动物园 dong wu yuansoundzoo
石头sound石头 shi tousoundrocks
山sound山 shansoundmountain
隧道sound隧道 sui daosoundtunnel
河流sound河流 he liusoundriver
道路sound道路 dao lusoundroad
交叉路口sound交叉路口 jiao cha lu kousoundintersection
巨石sound巨石 ju shisoundboulders
森林sound森林 sen linsoundforest
停车场sound停车场 ting che changsoundparking lot
火sound火 huosoundfire
墙sound墙 qiangsoundwall
院子sound院子 yuan zisoundyard
小屋sound小屋 xiao wusoundcabin
山洞sound山洞 shan songsoundcave
岸sound岸 ansoundshore
羽毛sound羽毛 yu maosoundfeather
笼子sound笼子 long zisoundcage
棚屋sound棚屋 peng wusoundshack
小山sound小山 xiao shansoundhill
红绿灯sound红绿灯 hong lü dengsoundtraffic light
树sound树 shusoundtree
水井sound水井 shui jingsoundwell
恐龙sound恐龙 kong longsounddinosaur
树枝sound树枝 shu zhisoundbranch
鸟巢sound鸟巢 niao caosoundnest