
English: Bingo Scenery

bingoEnglish: Bingo Scenery scenery

How to play: Click any of the pictures to hear the word.
When you think you know the words, click either the first arrow or the second arrow.

The first arrow lets you take as long as you want to find the picture and try as many times as necessary.

The second arrow gives you just one chance to find the picture.

The third arrow makes the game timed: you have to answer quickly to claim the square.

Listen to the word that is spoken, then click a matching square.
If there are two matching squares click the one that helps you to get 5 in a row.
When you get 5 in a row, either up, down, or diagonally, you win.
You can click one of the arrows to play again.

What is learned:  This activity helps the student learn vocabulary.
When you play with the timer, you do not have time to mentally translate the words to your native language.
You have to think in the language that you are learning.

Getting the most out of the activity: Say the words as you click each picture.
Play with the timer to force yourself to think in the language you are learning.

Group activities: Print out the page, then click your browsers refresh button to rearrange the pictures.
Print out enough pages for all of the students, and another to cut up.
Cut up one of the pages into squares and put the pieces in a paper bag.
One child gets to draw a picture out of the bag and say the word that matches the picture.
Don't let the other students see the picture that is selected, they have to mark the square based on the word they hear.

    English    Hindi/?familyGroup=x 
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