
English: Children's games Which one doesn't belong?

childrenEnglish: Children's games Which one doesn't belong?

How to play: Each picture has 4 items. Three of the items belong to one category, one belongs to a different category. Click the picture that doesn't belong.

Click the picture to hear the name. Click the colored circles make your selection. Click the big green arrow to move to the next problem. The problems are created randomly, so they will be different every time.

What is learned:  This activity helps the student learn about categories: there are animals, birds, buildings, people, clothing, etc. The student can do this activity without knowing the language, so it is a good activity to help children get used to the sound of the language and start to learn some words.

Getting the most out of the activity: Click each color button and say the words that match the picture. Then try to say the word before you click the button.
Repeat the sentences that you hear.

Group activities: After doing the activity, review the vocabulary by asking "where is a pencil", "where is a blouse," etc. Later you can ask what something is. Let each student make up a problem using pictures from magazines and paste them on a page. They should learn the names and categories on their page so that they can ask the rest of the class to solve the problem and be able to tell the others the names of the items the same way the computer does.

    English    Indonesian 
 soundThree are African animals. 
 soundThree are fruits. 
 soundThree are vegetables. 
 soundThree are tools. 
 soundThree are clothing. 
 soundThree are for writing. 
 soundThree are birds. 
 soundThree are for eating. 
 soundThree are vehicles. 
 soundThree are buildings. 
 soundThree are ocean animals. 
 soundThree are people. 
 soundThree are little animals. 
 soundThree are things to read. 
 soundThree are farm animals. 
 soundThree are things to drink. 
 soundOne is an African animal. 
 soundOne is a fruit. 
 soundOne is a vegetable. 
 soundOne is a tool. 
 soundOne is clothing. 
 soundOne is for writing. 
 soundOne is a bird. 
 soundOne is used for eating. 
 soundOne is a vehicle. 
 soundOne is a building. 
 soundOne is an ocean animal. 
 soundOne is a person. 
 soundOne is a little animal. 
 soundOne is something to read. 
 soundOne is a farm animal. 
 soundOne is something to drink. 
 soundWhich one is not an African animal? 
 soundWhich one is not a fruit? 
 soundWhich one is not a vegetable? 
 soundWhich one is not a tool? 
 soundWhich one is not clothing? 
 soundWhich one is not for writing? 
 soundWhich one is not a bird? 
 soundWhich one is not used to eat? 
 soundWhich one is not a vehicle? 
 soundWhich one is not a building? 
 soundWhich one is not an ocean animal? 
 soundWhich one is not a person? 
 soundWhich one is not a little animal? 
 soundWhich one is not something to read? 
 soundWhich one is not a farm animal? 
 soundWhich one is not something to drink? 
mousesoundmouse soundtikus
whalesoundwhale ikan paus
blousesoundblouse soundblus
hatsoundhat soundtopi
skirtsoundskirt soundrok
sockssoundsocks soundkaos kaki
applesoundapple soundapel
parrotsoundparrot soundburung beo
bananasoundbanana soundpisang
snakesoundsnake soundular
coffeesoundcoffee soundkopi
pearsoundpear soundper
lettucesoundlettuce soundselada
housesoundhouse soundrumah
hospitalsoundhospital soundrumah sakit
magazinesoundmagazine soundmajalah
tigersoundtiger soundharimau
spoonsoundspoon soundsendok
forksoundfork soundgarpu
juicesoundjuice soundjus
goatsoundgoat soundkambing
carsoundcar soundmobil
mansoundman soundlaki-laki
pencilsoundpencil soundpensil
milksoundmilk soundsusu
barnsoundbarn soundgudang
bicyclesoundbicycle soundsepeda
booksoundbook soundbuku
girlsoundgirl soundanak perempuan
tractorsoundtractor soundtraktor
hammersoundhammer soundpalu
newspapersoundnewspaper soundsurat kabar
boysoundboy soundanak laki
bussoundbus soundbis
pigsoundpig soundbabi
cowsoundcow soundsapi
lettersoundletter soundsurat
womansoundwoman soundwanita
platesoundplate soundpiring makan
sawsoundsaw soundgergaji
celerysoundcelery soundsayur saledri
crayonssoundcrayons soundpensil warna /krayon
pensoundpen soundpen
mosquitosoundmosquito soundnyamuk
carrotsoundcarrot soundwortel
lobstersoundlobster soundudang galah
pineapplesoundpineapple soundnanas
teasoundtea soundteh
bowlsoundbowl soundmangkuk
horsesoundhorse soundkuda
ducksoundduck soundbebek
crabsoundcrab soundkepiting
dolphinsounddolphin soundikan lumba lumba
frogsoundfrog soundkatak
hensoundhen soundayam betina
octopussoundoctopus soundgurita
radishsoundradish soundlobak
elephantsoundelephant soundgajah
plierssoundpliers soundtang
giraffesoundgiraffe soundjerapah
lionsoundlion soundsinga
goosesoundgoose soundangsa
shacksoundshack soundgubuk