
English: Conversations A New Dress

conversationsEnglish: Conversations A New Dress new-dress

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    English    MandarinTransliteration
 A New Dress 逛街买连衣裙
 The twins go shopping for a new dress. 双胞胎姐妹逛街买连衣裙
 soundMy boyfriend’s birthday party is tomorrow and I have nothing to wear. sound我的男朋友生日聚会就在明天, 可是我没有合适的衣服去参加聚会.
 soundLet’s go shopping and buy you a new outfit. sound那我们去逛街, 买一套新衣服.
 soundI like this black skirt and red blouse. sound我喜欢这件黑裙子和红衬衫.
 soundDo you like it? sound你喜欢吗?
 soundNo, the skirt looks too tight and the blouse is too big. sound不喜欢, 裙子太紧了,而且衬衫太大了.
 soundTry this blue suit. sound试试这一套蓝色套装.
 soundI really like it. sound我很喜欢.
 soundWhat do you think? sound你觉得呢?
 soundIt is very nice, sound非常好,
 soundbut I think a suit is too business like for a party. sound但是, 我认为这套套装, 太职业化了,不适合聚会.
 soundYou are right. sound你是对的.
 soundWhat about this green dress? sound这一件绿色的连衣裙怎么样?
 soundTry it on. sound试试看.
 soundOh, it looks beautiful. sound哇, 真好看。
 soundThank you. I like it too. 谢谢你,我也喜欢它。
 soundToo bad I don't have matching shoes. sound只可惜我没有匹配的鞋子。
 soundYou don’t need any. sound你什么都不需要。
 soundYou can wear the dress with black shoes and a black purse. sound你穿这件连衣裙,配上黑色的鞋子和黑色的手提包。
 soundWhat about jewelry? sound那戴什么首饰呢?
 soundCan I borrow your green necklace? sound我能借你的绿色项链吗?
 soundIt will go so well with this outfit. sound它一定很配这件衣服。
 soundOf course, but please, be careful. sound当然可以,但是你要小心。
 soundIt is very expensive. sound它很昂贵。
 soundDon't worry, I will be very careful. sound别担心,我会小心的。
 soundThanks for your help! sound谢谢你的帮助!
blousesoundblouse sound女衬衫
skirtsoundskirt sound裙子
doorsounddoor sound
dresssounddress sound连衣裙
closetsoundcloset sound衣橱
necklacesoundnecklace sound项链
dressersounddresser sound衣柜
pocketbooksoundpocketbook sound女用手提包