
English: Science Frog Metamorphosis

scienceEnglish: Science Frog Metamorphosis

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What is learned: The students learn science vocabulary and concepts.

Getting the most out of the activity: Repeat the words.

    English    Japanese/?familyGroup=x 
 soundFrog Metamorphosis soundFrog Metamorphosis
 soundFrogs and toads are amphibians soundFrogs and toads are amphibians
 soundAmphibians live part of their life on land and part in water. soundAmphibians live part of their life on land and part in water.
 soundFrogs and toads lay their eggs in water. soundFrogs and toads lay their eggs in water.
 soundThey lay many, many eggs. soundThey lay many, many eggs.
 soundThey lay about 4,000 eggs at one time! soundThey lay about 4,000 eggs at one time!
 soundMost of the eggs do not become frogs. soundMost of the eggs do not become frogs.
 soundWhen the egg hatches it is called a tadpole. soundWhen the egg hatches it is called a tadpole.
 soundA tadpole has a long tail that is uses to swim. soundA tadpole has a long tail that is uses to swim.
 soundIt breathes with gills. soundIt breathes with gills.
 soundAfter a while, the tadpole starts to change into a frog. soundAfter a while, the tadpole starts to change into a frog.
 soundThe change from a tadpole to a frog is called metamorphosis. soundThe change from a tadpole to a frog is called metamorphosis.
 soundThe tadpole grows two back legs. soundThe tadpole grows two back legs.
 soundNext it grows two front legs. soundNext it grows two front legs.
 soundAs the legs grow the tail gets shorter. soundAs the legs grow the tail gets shorter.
 soundWhen it starts to get legs it is called a froglet. soundWhen it starts to get legs it is called a froglet.
 soundThe mouth gets bigger. soundThe mouth gets bigger.
 soundThe eyes start to bulge. soundThe eyes start to bulge.
 soundWhen the frog is an adult it can breathe air using lungs. soundWhen the frog is an adult it can breathe air using lungs.
 soundThe adult frog has almost no tail. soundThe adult frog has almost no tail.
 soundIt uses its legs to jump or hop. soundIt uses its legs to jump or hop.
 soundA frog eats insects and small fish and worms. soundA frog eats insects and small fish and worms.
egg masssoundegg mass soundegg mass
tadpolesoundtadpole soundtadpole
frogletsoundfroglet soundfroglet
frogsoundfrog soundfrog