
فارسی: مُرتب کنید به ترتیب از کوتاه ترین تا بلند ترین قرار دهید۰

arrangeفارسی: مُرتب کنید به ترتیب از کوتاه ترین تا بلند ترین قرار دهید۰ longest

How to play: Click any of the pictures to hear the word. When the game starts it will ask you to find the last one (biggest, oldest, fastest, etc.) and drag it to the flashing red line. Next, it will ask you to find the first one (smallest, youngest, slowest, etc.) and drag it to the flashing red line. After putting the first and last in order, the student can drag the rest of the pictures into place. When you have arranged all of the items, click the arrow button to scramble the pictures and play again.

If you try to drag a picture to the wrong position, it will go back to where it started and you will see a sad face.

What is learned:  The child will learn the vocabulary for comparing items and the names of the items. This activity encourages the child to think logically and compare objects.

Getting the most out of the activity: Say the words that you hear. After playing once, try to say the sentences before you drag them into place.

Group activities: Hold up two items. Ask which one is the biggest, smallest, etc. Use items in the room or find pictures of objects or print out the page from the computer and cut it up. Give each person one of the pictures and have them arrange themselves in order. (You may want to break the children up into small groups of 3 or 4 students for this activity.) Each child can tell what picture he has. With just one or a few children, lay the pictures on a table, and let them arrange the pictures. Try to use various objects, not just the ones from the computer game.

    فارسی Transliteration  Italian/?familyGroup=s 
 soundکدام مداد بلند ترین است؟ soundWhich pencil is the longest?
 soundکدام مداد کوتاه ترین است؟ soundWhich pencil is the shortest?
یک مداد آبیsoundیک مداد آبی sounda blue pencil
یک مداد قرمزsoundیک مداد قرمز sounda red pencil
یک مداد زردsoundیک مداد زرد sounda yellow pencil
یک مداد سبزsoundیک مداد سبز sounda green pencil
یک مداد نارنجیsoundیک مداد نارنجی soundan orange pencil
مدادآبی  کوتاه ترین است۰soundمدادآبی کوتاه ترین است۰ soundThe blue pencil is the shortest.
مداد قرمز از مدادآبی بلند تر است۰soundمداد قرمز از مدادآبی بلند تر است۰ soundThe red pencil is longer than the blue pencil.
مداد زرد از مداد سبز کوتاه تر است۰soundمداد زرد از مداد سبز کوتاه تر است۰ soundThe yellow pencil is shorter than the green pencil.
مداد سبز از مداد نارنجی کوتاه تر است۰soundمداد سبز از مداد نارنجی کوتاه تر است۰ soundThe green pencil is shorter than the orange pencil.
 soundمداد نارنجی بلندترین است۰ soundThe orange pencil is the longest.