
Deutsch: Hab Spaß beim Lernen! Wetter

learnDeutsch: Hab Spaß beim Lernen! Wetter

How to play: Click any of the buttons to make it rain or snow, make it cloudy or windy. Use the scrollbar or click the thermometer to change the temperature. The boy will be dressed according to the weather. You can't make it rain or snow if there are no clouds.

What is learned:  The student will learn the vocabulary for talking about the weather.

Getting the most out of the activity: Click on the parts of the picture where you see a hand to learn the vocabulary words. Try to find as many different kinds of weather as you can. Make sure that you repeat the words and phrases that you hear.

Group activities: Find pictures of different types of weather in a book or magazine. Practice saying the words to describe the weather.
Select a country on a map or globe, or pick a month. Ask a child to tell what the weather is like in that place or that month.

    Deutsch    Turkish 
 soundWetter Hava Durumu
 sounddie Wolken Bulutlar
 soundEs ist bewölkt. Hava bulutlu.
 soundEs ist stark bewölkt. Hava çok bulutlu.
 soundEs sind keine Wolken am Himmel. Havada hiç bulut yok.
 soundSchnee oder Regen Kar veya Yağmur
 soundder Regen Yağmur
 soundEs regnet nicht. Yağmur yağmıyor.
 soundEs regnet. Hava yağmurlu.
 soundder Schnee Kar
 soundEs schneit nicht. Kar yağmıyor.
 soundEs schneit. Hava karlı.
 Lerne das Wetter zu beschreiben! Hava durumu ile ilgili konuşmayı öğrenelim.
 soundEs ist sehr kalt. Hava çok soğuk.
 soundEs ist kalt. Hava soğuk.
 soundEs ist kühl. Hava serin.
 soundEs ist warm. Hava ılık.
 soundEs ist heiß. Hava sıcak.
 soundEs ist sehr heiß. Hava çok sıcak.
 soundDer Wind Rüzgar
 soundEs ist windig. Hava rüzgarlı..
 soundEs ist sehr windig. Hava çok rüzgarlı.
 soundEs ist nicht windig. Hiç rüzgar yok.
FahnesoundFahne soundbayrak
StraßesoundStraße soundsokak
BürgersteigsoundBürgersteig soundkaldırım
SonnesoundSonne soundgüneş
RegenschirmsoundRegenschirm soundşemsiye
WolkesoundWolke soundbulut
WandsoundWand soundduvar
BaumsoundBaum soundağaç