
हिंदी: बच्चों के खेल कौनसा यहाँ संबंध नहीं रखता?

childrenहिंदी: बच्चों के खेल कौनसा यहाँ संबंध नहीं रखता?

How to play: Each picture has 4 items. Three of the items belong to one category, one belongs to a different category. Click the picture that doesn't belong.

Click the picture to hear the name. Click the colored circles make your selection. Click the big green arrow to move to the next problem. The problems are created randomly, so they will be different every time.

What is learned:  This activity helps the student learn about categories: there are animals, birds, buildings, people, clothing, etc. The student can do this activity without knowing the language, so it is a good activity to help children get used to the sound of the language and start to learn some words.

Getting the most out of the activity: Click each color button and say the words that match the picture. Then try to say the word before you click the button.
Repeat the sentences that you hear.

Group activities: After doing the activity, review the vocabulary by asking "where is a pencil", "where is a blouse," etc. Later you can ask what something is. Let each student make up a problem using pictures from magazines and paste them on a page. They should learn the names and categories on their page so that they can ask the rest of the class to solve the problem and be able to tell the others the names of the items the same way the computer does.

    हिंदी Transliteration  Italian/?familyGroup=b 
 soundकौनसा यहाँ संबंध नहीं रखता? Kaunasā yahām̐ nahīṁ baiṭhatā?sound
 soundतीन अफ्रीकी जानवर है| Tīna aphrīkī jānavara haisoundThree are African animals.
 soundतीन फल है| Tīna phala haiṁsoundThree are fruits.
 soundतीन सब्जियां है| Tīna sabjiyāṁ haiṁsoundThree are vegetables.
 soundतीन औजार है| Tīna aujāra haiṁsoundThree are tools.
 soundतीन कपड़े है| Tīna kapaṛē haisoundThree are clothing.
 soundतीन लिखने के लिए है| Tīna likhanē kē li'ē haiṁsoundThree are for writing.
 soundतीन पक्षिया है| Tīna pakṣī haiṁsoundThree are birds.
 soundतीन खाने के लिए है| Tīna khānē kē li'ē haiṁsoundThree are for eating.
 soundतीन वाहन है| Tīna vāhana haiṁsoundThree are vehicles.
 soundतीन इमारतें है| Tīna imāratēṁ haiṁsoundThree are buildings.
 soundतीन समुद्री जानवर है| Tīna samudrī jānavara haiṁsoundThree are ocean animals.
 soundतीन लोग है| Tīna lōga haiṁsoundThree are people.
 soundतीन छोटे जानवर है| Tīna chōṭē jānavara haiṁsoundThree are little animals.
 soundतीन चीजे पढ़ने के लिए है| Tīna cījē paṛhanē kē li'ē haiṁsoundThree are things to read.
 soundतीन खेत के जानवर है| Tīna khēta kē jānavara haisoundThree are farm animals.
 soundतीन पीने की वस्तुएं है| Tīna pīnē kī vastu'ēṁ haisoundThree are things to drink.
 soundएक अफ्रीकी जानवर है| Ēka aphrīkī jānavara haisoundOne is an African animal.
 soundएक फल है| Ēka phala haisoundOne is a fruit.
 soundएक सब्जी है| Ēka sabjī haisoundOne is a vegetable.
 soundएक औजार है| Ēka aujāra haisoundOne is a tool.
 soundएक कपड़ा है| Ēka kapaṛā haisoundOne is clothing.
 soundएक लिखने के लिए है| Ēka likhanē kē li'ē haisoundOne is for writing.
 soundएक पक्षी है| Ēka pakṣī haisoundOne is a bird.
 soundएक खाने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है| Ēka khānē kē li'ē istēmāla kiyā jātā haisoundOne is used for eating.
 soundएक वाहन है| Ēka vāhana haisoundOne is a vehicle.
 soundएक इमारत है| Ēka imārata haisoundOne is a building.
 soundएक समुद्री जानवर है| Ēka samudrī jānavara haisoundOne is an ocean animal.
 soundएक व्यक्ति है| Ēka vyakti haisoundOne is a person.
 soundएक छोटा जानवर है| Ēka chōṭā jānavara haisoundOne is a little animal.
 soundएक पढ़ने के लिए कुछ है| Ēka paṛhanē kē li'ē kucha haisoundOne is something to read.
 soundएक खेत का जानवर है| Ēka khēta kā jānavara haisoundOne is a farm animal.
 soundएक पीने के लिए है| Ēka pīnē kē li'ē kucha haisoundOne is something to drink.
 soundकौन सा एक अफ्रीकी जानवर नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka aphrīkī jānavara nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not an African animal?
 soundकौन सा एक फल नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka phala nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not a fruit?
 soundकौन सा एक सब्जी नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka sabjī nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not a vegetable?
 soundकौन सा एक औजार नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka aujāra nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not a tool?
 soundकौन सा एक कपड़ा नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka kapaṛā nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not clothing?
 soundकौन सा एक लिखने के लिए नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka likhanē kē li'ē nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not for writing?
 soundकौन सा एक पक्षी नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka pakṣī nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not a bird?
 soundकौन सा एक खाने के लिए इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जाता है? Kauna sā ēka khānē kē li'ē nahīṁ istēmāla kiyā jātā haisoundWhich one is not used to eat?
 soundकौन सा एक वाहन नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka vāhana nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not a vehicle?
 soundकौन सा एक इमारत नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka imārata nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not a building?
 soundकौन सा एक समुद्री जानवर नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka samudrī jānavara nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not an ocean animal?
 soundकौन सा एक व्यक्ति नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka vyakti nahīṁ hai?soundWhich one is not a person?
 soundकौन सा एक छोटा जानवर नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka chōṭā jānavara nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not a little animal?
 soundकौन सा एक पढ़ने के लिए कुछ नहीं है? Kauna sī ēka paṛhanē kē li'ē kucha nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not something to read?
 soundकौन सा एक खेत का जानवर नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka khēta kā jānavara nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not a farm animal?
 soundकौन सा एक पीने के लिए नहीं है? Kauna sā ēka pīnē kē li'ē kucha nahīṁ haisoundWhich one is not something to drink?
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स्केच पेन​soundस्केच पेन​ soundmarker
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मोज़ेsoundमोज़े soundsocks
सेबsoundसेब soundapple
तोताsoundतोता soundparrot
केलाsoundकेला soundbanana
साँपsoundसाँप soundsnake
कॉफीsoundकॉफी soundcoffee
नाशपातीsoundनाशपाती soundpear
काहूsoundकाहू soundlettuce
मकानsoundमकान soundhouse
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पत्रिकाsoundपत्रिका soundmagazine
शेरsoundशेर soundtiger
चम्मचsoundचम्मच soundspoon
कांटाsoundकांटा soundfork
जूसsoundजूस soundjuice
बकरीsoundबकरी soundgoat
 गाड़ीsound गाड़ी soundcar
आदमीsoundआदमी soundman
पेंसिलsoundपेंसिल soundpencil
दूधsoundदूध soundmilk
खलिहानsoundखलिहान soundbarn
साइकिलsoundसाइकिल soundbicycle
किताबsoundकिताब soundbook
लड़कीsoundलड़की soundgirl
ट्रेक्टरsoundट्रेक्टर soundtractor
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अखबारsoundअखबार soundnewspaper
लड़काsoundलड़का soundboy
बसsoundबस soundbus
सूअरsoundसूअर soundpig
गायsoundगाय soundcow
पत्रsoundपत्र soundletter
महिलाsoundमहिला soundwoman
प्लेटsoundप्लेट soundplate
ड्रिलsoundड्रिल sounddrill
आराsoundआरा soundsaw
अजवाइनsoundअजवाइन soundcelery
क्रेआनsoundक्रेआन soundcrayons
कलमsoundकलम soundpen
मच्छरsoundमच्छर soundmosquito
गाजरsoundगाजर soundcarrot
झींगा मछलीsoundझींगा मछली soundlobster
अनानासsoundअनानास soundpineapple
चायsoundचाय soundtea
कटोराsoundकटोरा soundbowl
घोड़ाsoundघोड़ा soundhorse
बतखsoundबतख soundduck
केकड़ाsoundकेकड़ा soundcrab
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मेंढकsoundमेंढक soundfrog
मुर्गीsoundमुर्गी soundhen
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मूलीsoundमूली soundradish
हाथीsoundहाथी soundelephant
चिमटीsoundचिमटी soundpliers
चिन्नोष्ट्रsoundचिन्नोष्ट्र soundgiraffe
शेरsoundशेर soundlion
बत्तखsoundबत्तख soundgoose
झोंपड़ीsoundझोंपड़ी soundshack