
日本語: こどものゲーム どれがなかまはずれですか

children日本語: こどものゲーム どれがなかまはずれですか

遊び方: 1つの絵に4つのものがあります。3つのものが1種類のもので、1つだけ違う種類のものがあります。その違う絵をクリックしてください。


学ぶこと: この活動で、言葉の種類について学ぶことができます:動物、鳥、建物、人々、衣服など。 生徒たちは、言葉を知らなくてもこの活動ができるので、言葉の発音に慣れさせて、その言葉を覚えるのにいい活動です。



How to play: Each picture has 4 items. Three of the items belong to one category, one belongs to a different category. Click the picture that doesn't belong.

Click the picture to hear the name. Click the colored circles make your selection. Click the big green arrow to move to the next problem. The problems are created randomly, so they will be different every time.

What is learned:  This activity helps the student learn about categories: there are animals, birds, buildings, people, clothing, etc. The student can do this activity without knowing the language, so it is a good activity to help children get used to the sound of the language and start to learn some words.

Getting the most out of the activity: Click each color button and say the words that match the picture. Then try to say the word before you click the button.
Repeat the sentences that you hear.

Group activities: After doing the activity, review the vocabulary by asking "where is a pencil", "where is a blouse," etc. Later you can ask what something is. Let each student make up a problem using pictures from magazines and paste them on a page. They should learn the names and categories on their page so that they can ask the rest of the class to solve the problem and be able to tell the others the names of the items the same way the computer does.

    日本語 Transliteration  Hindi/?familyGroup=m 
 soundどれがなかまはずれですか dorega nakama hazure desukasound
 soundみっつはアフリカのどうぶつです mittsu wa afurika no doubutsu desusoundThree are African animals.
 soundみっつはくだものです mittsu wa kudamono desusoundThree are fruits.
 soundみっつはやさいです mittsu wa yasai desusoundThree are vegetables.
 soundみっつはどうぐです mittsu wa dougu desusoundThree are tools.
 soundみっつはふくです mittsu wa fuku desusoundThree are clothing.
 soundみっつはかくものです mittsu wa kakumono desusoundThree are for writing.
 soundみっつはとりです mittsu wa tori desusoundThree are birds.
 soundみっつはたべるためです mittsu wa taberu tame desusoundThree are for eating.
 soundみっつはのりものです mittsu wa norimono desusoundThree are vehicles.
 soundみっつはビルです mittsu wa biru desusoundThree are buildings.
 soundみっつはうみのどうぶつです mittsu waumi no doubutsu desusoundThree are ocean animals.
 soundみっつはにんげんです mittsu wa ningen desusoundThree are people.
 soundみっつはちいさいどうぶつです mittsu wa chiisai doubutsu desusoundThree are little animals.
 soundみっつはよみものです mittsu wa yomimono desusoundThree are things to read.
 soundみっつはぼくじょうのどうぶつです mittsu wa bokujou no doubutsu desusoundThree are farm animals.
 soundみっつはのみものです mittsu wa nomimono desusoundThree are things to drink.
 soundひとつはアフリカのどうぶつです hitotsu wa afurika no doubutsu desusoundOne is an African animal.
 soundひとつはくだものです hitotsu wa kudamono desusoundOne is a fruit.
 soundひとつはやさいです hitotsu wa yasai desusoundOne is a vegetable.
 soundひとつはどうぐです hitotsu wa dougu desusoundOne is a tool.
 soundひとつはふくです hototsu wa fuku desusoundOne is clothing.
 soundひとつはかくものです hitotsu wa kakumono desusoundOne is for writing.
 soundひとつはとりです hitotsu wa tori desusoundOne is a bird.
 soundひとつはたべるためにつかいます hototsu wa taberu tame ni tsukaimasusoundOne is used for eating.
 soundひとつはのりものです hitotsu wa norimono desusoundOne is a vehicle.
 soundひとつはビルです hitotsu wa biru desusoundOne is a building.
 soundひとつはうみのどうぶつです hitotsu wa umi no doubutsu desusoundOne is an ocean animal.
 soundひとつはにんげんです hitotsu wa ningen desusoundOne is a person.
 soundひとつはちいさいどうぶつです hitotsu wa chiisai doubutsu desusoundOne is a little animal.
 soundひとつはよみものです hitotu wa yomimono desusoundOne is something to read.
 soundひとつはぼくじょうのどうぶつです hitotsu wa bokujou no doubutsu desusoundOne is a farm animal.
 soundひとつはのみものです hitotsu wa nomimono desusoundOne is something to drink.
 soundアフリカのどうぶつじゃないのはどれですか afurika no doubutsu janai nowa doredesukasoundWhich one is not an African animal?
 soundくだものじゃないのはどれですか kudamono janai nowa doredesukasoundWhich one is not a fruit?
 soundやさいじゃないのはどれですか yasai janai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not a vegetable?
 soundどうぐじゃないのはどれですか dougu janai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not a tool?
 soundふくじゃないのはどれですか fuku ja nainowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not clothing?
 soundかくものじゃないのはどれですか kakumono janai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not for writing?
 soundとりじゃないのはどれですか tori janai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not a bird?
 soundたべるためにつかわないのはどれですか taberu tame ni tsukawanai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not used to eat?
 soundのりものじゃないのはどれですか norimono janai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not a vehicle?
 soundビルじゃないのはどれですか biru ja nai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not a building?
 soundうみのどうぶつじゃないのはどれですか umino doubutsu janai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not an ocean animal?
 soundにんげんじゃないのはどれですか ningen ja nai no wa dore desukasoundWhich one is not a person?
 soundちいさいどうぶつじゃないのはどれですか chiisai doubutsu janai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not a little animal?
 soundよみものじゃないのはどれですか yomimono janai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not something to read?
 soundぼくじょうのどうぶつじゃないのはどれですか bokujou no doubutsu ja nainowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not a farm animal?
 soundのみものじゃないのはどれですか momimono janai nowa dore desukasoundWhich one is not something to drink?
ねずみsoundねずみ soundmouse
マーカーsoundマーカー soundmarker
くじらsoundくじら soundwhale
ブラウスsoundブラウス soundblouse
ぼうしsoundぼうし soundhat
スカートsoundスカート soundskirt
くつしたsoundくつした soundsocks
りんごsoundりんご soundapple
オウムsoundオウム soundparrot
バナナsoundバナナ soundbanana
へびsoundへび soundsnake
コーヒーsoundコーヒー soundcoffee
なしsoundなし soundpear
レタスsoundレタス soundlettuce
いえsoundいえ soundhouse
びょういんsoundびょういん soundhospital
ざっしsoundざっし soundmagazine
トラsoundトラ soundtiger
スプーンsoundスプーン soundspoon
フォークsoundフォーク soundfork
ジュースsoundジュース soundjuice
やぎsoundやぎ soundgoat
くるまsoundくるま soundcar
だんせいsoundだんせい soundman
えんぴつsoundえんぴつ soundpencil
ぎゅうにゅうsoundぎゅうにゅう soundmilk
なやsoundなや soundbarn
じてんしゃsoundじてんしゃ soundbicycle
ほんsoundほん soundbook
しょうじょsoundしょうじょ soundgirl
トラクターsoundトラクター soundtractor
ハンマーsoundハンマー soundhammer
しんぶんsoundしんぶん soundnewspaper
しょうねんsoundしょうねん soundboy
バスsoundバス soundbus
ぶたsoundぶた soundpig
めすうしsoundめすうし soundcow
てがみsoundてがみ soundletter
じょせいsoundじょせい soundwoman
さらsoundさら soundplate
ドリルsoundドリル sounddrill
のこぎりsoundのこぎり soundsaw
セロリsoundセロリ soundcelery
クレヨンsoundクレヨン soundcrayons
ペンsoundペン soundpen
かsoundか soundmosquito
にんじんsoundにんじん soundcarrot
ロブスターsoundロブスター soundlobster
パイナップルsoundパイナップル soundpineapple
おちゃsoundおちゃ soundtea
ボウルsoundボウル soundbowl
うまsoundうま soundhorse
カモsoundカモ soundduck
かにsoundかに soundcrab
イルカsoundイルカ sounddolphin
カエルsoundカエル soundfrog
めんどりsoundめんどり soundhen
たこsoundたこ soundoctopus
ラディッシュsoundラディッシュ soundradish
ぞうsoundぞう soundelephant
ペンチsoundペンチ soundpliers
キリンsoundキリン soundgiraffe
ライオンsoundライオン soundlion
ガチョウsoundガチョウ soundgoose
まるたごやsoundまるたごや soundshack