Latvijas | | English |
Kur tad tu nu biji, āzīti manu? | | Where were you dear billy-goat? |
Sudmalāsi, sudmalāsi, kundziņi mans. | | At the mill, at the mill dear master |
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Ko tad tu tur darīji, āzīti manu? | | What did you do there, billy-goat? |
Rudzus, kviešus bīdelēju, kundziņi mans. | | I was grinding rye and wheat finely dear master. |
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Ko tad tu tur ēdi, āzīti manu? | | How did you sweep the floor dear billy-goat |
Pienu, medu, pienu, medu, kundziņi mans. | | With my beard, with my beard dear master. |
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Ko tad tu tur dzēri, āzīti manu? | | What did you eat over there dear billy-goat? |
Alu, vīnu, alu, vīnu, kundziņi mans. | | Some milk, some honey, some milk ,some honey dear master. |
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Ar ko tu tur mērīji, āzīti manu? | | Did they whip you over there dear billy-goat? |
Ar radziņu, ar radziņu, kundziņi mans. | | They did whip me, they did whip me dear master. |
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Ar ko tu tur sijāji, āzīti manu? | | What did you shout over there dear billy-goat? |
Ar nadziņu, ar nadziņu, kundziņi mans. | | With brim, with brim, dear master. |
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Ar ko tu tur slaucīji, āzīti manu? | | What did you sweep with, billy-goat? |
Ar bārdiņu, ar bārdiņu, kundziņi mans. | | With a beard, with a beard, dear master. |
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Vai tad tevi kūla, āzīti manu? | | What did you churn, billy-goat? |
Kā tad nē, kā tad nē, kundziņi mans. | | How, then, nothing, dear master. |
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Ar ko tad tevi kūla, āzīti manu? | | What did you churn, billy-goat? |
Ar stibiņu, pa ribiņu, kundziņi mans. | | With my ribs, dear master. |
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Kā tad tu tur brēci, āzīti manu? | | What did you cry out, billy-goat? |
Mik mik mē, mik mik mē, kundziņi mans. | | Maa maa ma, Maa maa ma, dear master. |
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