
汉语: 儿童游戏 哪一个是不同的?

children汉语: 儿童游戏 哪一个是不同的?

如何玩:每个问题题组有三张图片。按一下图片上面的按钮,找 出不同的。你可能需要仔细看一看,它可能是一个人缺少什么,或是画面的一部分是不同的颜色,或者是面对着不同的方向。在你选择后,不同的部分,将会闪烁,而有解释。你也可以点击图片的部分,来学习话语。



团体活动: 在做完活动后,通过显示图片,回顾词汇。可以问问题:


How to play: Each problem set has 3 pictures. Click the button above the picture that is different. You may have to look closely, it could be that one has something missing, part of the picture is a different color, or is facing a different direction. After you make the selection, the part that is different will flash while the difference is explained. You can also click on parts of the picture to learn the words.

What is learned:  This activity is found in many activity books to help the student to focus on the details in a picture. The student can do this activity without knowing the language, so it is a good activity to help children get used to the sound of the language and start to learn some words.

Getting the most out of the activity: Click on the part of the picture that is different to learn the vocabulary. Try to say the words that you hear. Repeat the sentences that you hear.

Group activities: After doing the activity, review the vocabulary by showing pictures and asking "which house has a chimney", "which girl is wearing a ribbon," etc. Let each student make up a problem using pictures from magazines and paste them on a page. They should learn the names and categories on their page so that they can ask the rest of the class to solve the problem and be able to tell the others the names of the items the same way the computer does.

    汉语 Transliteration  Indonesian/?familyGroup=m 
 sound哪一个是不同的? na yi ge shi bu tong de ?sound
 sound有两副画是相同的,哪一副画是不同的? you liang fu hua shi xiang tong de ,na yi fu hua shi bu tong de ?
 sound有一个小丑的衬衫没有领子, 其他两个有领子。 you yi ge xiao chou de chen shan mei you ling zi ,qi ta liang ge you ling zi 。soundOne clown doesn't have a collar on his shirt. The other two do have collars.
 sound有一个小丑的衬衫有领子,其他两个沒有。 you yi ge xiao chou de chen shan you ling zi ,qi ta liang ge mei you 。soundOne clown has a collar on his shirt. The other clowns don't have collars.
 sound有一个小丑是紫色头发,其他两个是红色头发。 you yi ge xiao chou shi zi se tou fa ,qi ta liang ge shi hong se tou fa 。soundOne clown has purple hair. The other clowns have red hair.
 sound有一个小丑是红色头发, 其他两个是紫色头发。 you yi ge xiao chou shi hong se tou fa ,qi ta liang ge shi zi se tou fa 。soundOne clown has red hair. The others have purple hair.
 sound有一个小丑戴领带,其他的小丑沒有戴领带。 you yi ge xiao chou dai ling dai ,qi ta de xiao chou mei you dai ling dai 。soundOne clown is wearing a tie. Neither of the other clowns is wearing a tie.
 sound有一个小丑没有戴领带,其中的两个小丑戴着领带。 you yi ge xiao chou mei you dai ling dai,qi zhong de liang ge xiao chou dai zhe ling dai 。soundOne clown isn't wearing a tie. Both of the other clowns are wearing ties.
 sound有一个小丑拿着花,其他的小丑沒有花。 you yi ge xiao chou na zhe hua ,qi ta de xiao chou mei you hua 。soundOne clown is holding a flower. The other clowns don't have flowers.
 sound有一个小丑没有花, 其他的小丑都有花。 you yi ge xiao chou mei you hua ,qi ta de xiao chou dou you hua 。soundOne clown doesn't have a flower. The other clowns both have flowers.
 sound有一个小丑闭着眼睛, 其他的小丑睁着眼睛。 you yi ge xiao chou bi zhe yan jing ,qi ta de xiao chou zheng zhe yan jing 。soundOne clown's eyes are closed. The other clowns' eyes are open.
 sound有一个小丑睁着眼睛,其他的小丑闭着眼睛。 you yi ge xiao chou zheng zhe yan jing ,qi ta de xiao chou bi zhe yan jing 。soundOne clown's eyes are open. The other clowns' eyes are closed.
 sound有一个小丑穿着有圆点的衬衫, 其他的小丑穿着纯色的衬衫。 you yi ge xiao chou chuan zhe you yuan dian de chen shan ,qi ta de xiao chou chuan zhe chun se de chen shan 。soundOne clown has a polka-dot shirt. The other clowns have plain shirts.
 sound有一个小丑穿着白色衬衫, 其他的小丑穿着有圆点的衬衫。 you yi ge xiao chou chuan zhe bai se chen shan ,qi ta de xiao chou chuan zhe you yuan dian de chen shan 。soundOne clown has a white shirt. The other clowns have polka-dot shirts.
 sound有一个小丑光着脚,其他两个穿着鞋子。 you yi ge xiao chou guang zhe jiao ,qi ta liang ge xiao zhe xie zi 。soundOne clown is barefoot. The other two are wearing shoes.
 sound有一个小丑穿着鞋子,其他两个光着脚。 you yi ge xiao chou chuan zhe xie zi ,qi ta liang ge guang zhe jiao 。soundOne clown is wearing shoes. The other two are barefoot.
 sound有一个小丑穿着黄色衬衫,其他两个穿着白色衬衫。 you yi ge xiao chou chuan zhe huang se chen shan,qi ta liang ge chuan zhe bai se chen shan 。soundOne clown has a yellow shirt. The other two have white shirts.
 sound有一个小丑穿着白色衬衫,其他两个穿着黄色衬衫。 you yi ge xiao chou chuan zhe bai se chen shan,qi ta liang ge chuan zhe huang se chen shan 。soundOne clown has a white shirt. The other two have yellow shirts.
 sound有一个小丑的裤子没有吊带,其他两个的裤子有吊带。 you yi ge xiao chou de ku zi mei you diao dai,qi ta liang ge de ku zi you diao dai。soundOne clown doesn't have suspenders. The other two do have suspenders.
 sound有一个小丑的裤子有吊带,其他两个的裤子没有吊带。 you yi ge xiao chou de ku zi you diao dai,qi ta liang ge de ku zi mei you diao dai 。soundOne clown has suspenders. The other two do not have suspenders.
 sound有一个小丑穿着黑鞋子, 其他两个穿着红鞋子。 you yi ge xiao chou chuan zhe hei xie zi ,qi ta liang ge chuan zhe hong xie zi 。soundOne clown has black shoes. The other two have red shoes.
 sound有一个小丑穿着红鞋子. ,其他两个穿着黑鞋子。 you yi ge xiao chou chuan zhe hong xie zi 。 ,qi ta liang ge chuan zhe hei xie zi 。soundOne clown has red shoes. The other two have black shoes.
 sound有一个小丑的衬衫上没有扣子, 其他两个的衬衫上有扣子。 you yi ge xiao chou de chen shan shang mei you kou zi,qi ta liang ge de chen shan shang you kou zi 。soundOne clown doesn't have buttons on his shirt. The other two do have buttons.
 sound有一个小丑的衬衫上有扣子, 其他两个的衬衫上没有扣子。 you yi ge xiao chou de chen shan shang you kou zi,qi ta liang ge de chen shan shang mei you kou zi 。soundOne clown has buttons on his shirt. Neither of the other two have buttons.
 sound有一个小丑没有戴手套, 其他两个戴着蓝色手套。 you yi ge xiao chou mei you dai shou tao ,qi ta liang ge dai zhe lan se shou tao 。soundOne clown isn't wearing gloves. The other two have blue gloves.
 sound有一个小丑戴着蓝色手套, 其他两个没有戴手套。 you yi ge xiao chou dai zhe lan se shou tao ,qi ta liang ge mei you dai shou tao 。soundOne clown is wearing blue gloves. The other two are not wearing gloves.
 sound有一个小丑是伤心的,其他两个是高兴的。 you yi ge xiao chou shi shang xin de ,qi ta liang ge shi gao xing de 。soundOne clown is sad. The other two are happy.
 sound有一个小丑在微笑,其他两个没有在笑。 you yi ge xiao chou zai wei xiao ,qi ta liang ge mei you zai xiao 。soundOne clown is smiling. The other two are not smiling.
 sound有一个小丑穿蓝色裤子, 其他两个穿绿色裤子。 you yi ge xiao chou chuan lan se ku zi ,qi ta liang ge chuan lu se ku zi 。soundOne clown is wearing blue pants. The other two are wearing green pants.
 sound有一个小丑穿绿色裤子, 其他两个穿蓝色裤子。 you yi ge xiao chou chuan lu se ku zi ,qi ta liang ge chuan lan se ku zi 。soundOne clown is wearing green pants. The other two are wearing blue pants.
 sound有一个小丑两只手是下垂的,其他两个一只手举起,一只手下垂。 you yi ge xiao chou liang zhi shou shi xia chui de ,qi ta liang ge yi zhi shou ju qi ,yi zhi shou xia chui 。soundOne clown has both hands down. The other two have one hand up and one down.
 sound有一个小丑一只手举起,一只手下垂, 其他两个两只手都是下垂的。 you yi ge xiao chou yi zhi shou ju qi ,yi zhi shou xia chui ,qi ta liang ge liang zhi shou dou shi xia chui de 。soundOne clown has one hand up and one hand down. The other two have both hands down.
 sound有一个女孩穿长裙, 其他两个女孩穿短裙。 you yi ge nu hai chuan zhang qun ,qi ta liang ge nu hai chuan duan qun 。soundOne girl has a long dress. The other two have short dresses.
 sound有一个女孩穿短裙, 其他两个女孩穿长裙。 you yi ge nu hai chuan duan qun ,qi ta liang ge nu hai chuan zhang qun 。soundOne girl has a short dress. The other two have long dresses.
 sound有一个女孩涂红色指甲,其他两个女孩没有涂指甲。 you yi ge nu hai tu hong se zhi jia ,qi ta liang ge nu hai mei you tu zhi jia 。soundOne girl has red nail polish. The other girls do not have polish on their fingernails.
 sound有一个女孩没有涂指甲,其他两个女孩涂红色指甲。 you yi ge nu hai mei you tu zhi jia ,qi ta liang ge nu hai tu hong se zhi jia 。soundOne girl does not have polish on her fingernails. The other girls have red nail polish.
 sound有一个女孩穿蓝色鞋,戴蓝色缎带,其他女孩穿红色鞋,戴红色缎带。 you yi ge nu hai chuan lan se xie ,dai lan se duan dai ,qi ta nu hai chuan hong se xie ,dai hong se duan dai 。soundOne girl is wearing blue shoes and a blue ribbon. The other girls are wearing red shoes and red ribbons.
 sound有一个女孩穿红色鞋,戴红色缎带,其他女孩穿蓝色鞋, 戴蓝色缎带。 you yi ge nu hai chuan hong se xie ,dai hong se duan dai ,qi ta nu hai chuan lan se xie , dai lan se duan dai 。soundOne girl is wearing red shoes and a red ribbon. The other girls are wearing blue shoes and blue ribbons.
 sound有一个女孩穿格子连衣裙,其他女孩穿單色连衣裙。 you yi ge nu hai chuan ge zi lian yi qun ,qi ta nu hai chuan dan se lian yi qun 。soundOne girl has a plaid dress. The dresses on the other girls are solid.
 sound有两个女孩穿格子连衣裙,另外一个女孩穿單色连衣裙。 you liang ge nu hai chuan ge zi lian yi qun ,ling wai yi ge nu hai chuan dan se lian yi qun 。soundTwo girls have plaid dresses. The other girl is wearing a solid dress.
 sound有一个女孩穿百褶裙,其他女孩穿直筒裙。 you yi ge nu hai chuan bai zhe qun ,qi ta nu hai chuan zhi tong qun 。soundOne girl has a pleated skirt. The other girls have straight skirts.
 sound有一个女孩穿直筒裙,其他女孩穿百褶裙。 you yi ge nu hai chuan zhi tong qun ,qi ta nu hai chuan bai zhe qun 。soundOne girl has a straight skirt. The other girls have pleated skirts.
 sound有一个女孩穿长袖衣服, 其他女孩穿短袖衣服。 you yi ge nu hai chuan zhang xiu yi fu , qi ta nu hai chuan duan xiu yi fu 。soundOne girl has long sleeves. The other girls have short sleeves.
 sound有一个女孩穿短袖衣服,其他女孩穿长袖衣服。 you yi ge nu hai chuan duan xiu yi fu ,qi ta nu hai chuan zhang xiu yi fu 。soundOne girl has short sleeves. The other girls have long sleeves.
 sound有一个女孩头发上没有缎带,其他两个头发上有红色缎带。 you yi ge nu hai tou fa shang mei you duan dai ,qi ta liang ge tou fa shang you hong se duan dai 。soundOne girl doesn't have a ribbon in her hair. The other two have red ribbons.
 sound有一个女孩头发上有缎带, 其他两个头发上没有缎带。 you yi ge nu hai tou fa shang you duan dai ,qi ta liang ge tou fa shang mei you duan dai 。soundOne girl has a ribbon in her hair. The other two don't have ribbons.
 sound有一个女孩是金色头发, 其他两个女孩是褐色头发。 you yi ge nu hai shi jin se tou fa ,qi ta liang ge nu hai shi he se tou fa 。soundOne girl has blond hair. The other two have brown hair.
 sound有一个女孩是褐色头发,其他两个女孩是金色头发。 you yi ge nu hai shi he se tou fa ,qi ta liang ge nu hai shi jin se tou fa 。soundOne girl has brown hair. The other two have blond hair.
 sound有一个女孩穿红色条纹的连衣裙,其他两个女孩穿没有条纹的。 you yi ge nu hai chuan hong se tiao wen de lian yi qun ,qi ta liang ge nu hai chuan mei you tiao wen de 。soundOne girl is wearing a dress with red stripes. The other two do not have stripes.
 sound有两个女孩穿红色条纹的连衣裙,另外一个女孩穿没有条纹的。 you liang ge nu hai chuan hong se tiao wen de lian yi qun ,ling wai yi ge nu hai chuan mei you tiao wen de 。soundTwo girls are wearing dresses with red stripes. The other girl does not have stripes.
 sound有一个女孩的袖子是平的,其他两个女孩的袖子上有花边。 you yi ge nu hai de xiu zi shi ping de ,qi ta liang ge nu hai de xiu zi shang you hua bian 。soundOne girl has plain sleeves. The other two have ruffles on their sleeves.
 sound有一个女孩的袖子上有花边,其他两个女孩的袖子上没有。 you yi ge nu hai de xiu zi shang you hua bian ,qi ta liang ge nu hai de xiu zi shang mei you 。soundOne girl has ruffles on her sleeves. The other two do not.
 sound有一个女孩头发上戴黄色缎带,其他两个女孩戴红色缎带。 you yi ge nu hai tou fa shang dai huang se duan dai ,qi ta liang ge nu hai dai hong se duan dai 。soundOne girl has a yellow ribbon in her hair. The other two have red ribbons.
 sound有一个女孩头发上戴红色缎带, 其他两个女孩戴黄色缎带。 you yi ge nu hai tou fa shang dai hong se duan dai ,qi ta liang ge nu hai dai huang se duan dai 。soundOne girl has a red ribbon in her hair. The other two have yellow ribbons.
 sound有一个女孩是卷发, 其他两个女孩是直发。 you yi ge nu hai shi juan fa ,qi ta liang ge nu hai shi zhi fa 。soundOne girl has curly hair. The other two have straight hair.
 sound有一个女孩是直发, 其他两个女孩是卷发。 you yi ge nu hai shi zhi fa ,qi ta liang ge nu hai shi juan fa 。soundOne girl has straight hair. The other two girls have curly hair.
 sound有一个女孩是长发, 其他两个女孩是短发。 you yi ge nu hai shi zhang fa ,qi ta liang ge nu hai shi duan fa 。soundOne girl has long hair. The other two have short hair.
 sound有一个女孩是短发, 其他两个女孩是长发。 you yi ge nu hai shi duan fa ,qi ta liang ge nu hai shi zhang fa 。soundOne girl has short hair. The other two have long hair.
 sound有一个女孩绑辫子,其他两个女孩的头发是披散的。 you yi ge nu hai bang bian zi ,qi ta liang ge nu hai de tou fa shi pi san de 。soundOne girl has braids. The other two wear their hair loose.
 sound有两个女孩绑辫子, 另外一个女孩没有绑辫子。 you liang ge nu hai bang bian zi ,ling wai yi ge nu hai mei you bang bian zi 。soundTwo girls have braids. The other one does not.
 sound有一个女孩没有穿袜子,其他两个女孩穿黄色袜子。 you yi ge nu hai mei you chuan wa zi ,qi ta liang ge nu hai chuan huang se wa zi 。soundOne girl is not wearing socks. The other two have yellow socks.
 sound有一个女孩穿黄色袜子,其他两个女孩没有穿袜子。 you yi ge nu hai chuan huang se wa zi ,qi ta liang ge nu hai mei you chuan wa zi 。soundOne girl has yellow socks. The other two are not wearing socks.
 sound有一幢房子的灯是关的,其他房子的灯是开的。 you yi chuang fang zi de deng shi guan de ,qi ta fang zi de deng shi kai de 。soundThe lights in one house are off. The lights in the other houses are on.
 sound有一幢房子的灯是开的,其他房子的灯是关的。 you yi chuang fang zi de deng shi kai de ,qi ta fang zi de deng shi guan de 。soundThe lights in one house are on. The lights in the other houses are off.
 sound有一幢房子的烟囱在左边,其他房子的烟囱在右边。 you yi chuang fang zi de yan cong zai zuo bian ,qi ta fang zi de yan cong zai you bian 。soundOne house has the chimney on the left. The other houses have the chimney on the right.
 sound有一幢房子的烟囱在右边,其他房子的烟囱在左边。 you yi chuang fang zi de yan cong zai you bian ,qi ta fang zi de yan cong zai zuo bian 。soundOne house has the chimney on the right. The other houses have the chimney on the left.
 sound有一幢房子非常狭窄,其他房子非常宽敞。 you yi chuang fang zi fei chang xia zhai ,qi ta fang zi fei chang kuan chang 。soundOne house is very narrow. The other houses are wide.
 sound有一幢房子非常宽敞,其他房子非常狭窄。 you yi chuang fang zi fei chang xia zhai ,qi ta fang zi fei chang kuan chang 。soundOne house is wide. The other houses are narrow.
 sound有一幢房子比其他两幢房子小。 you yi chuang fang zi bi qi ta liang chuang fang zi xiao 。soundOne house is smaller than the other two.
 sound有一幢房子比其他两幢房子大。 you yi chuang fang zi bi qi ta liang chuang fang zi da 。soundOne house is bigger than the other two.
 sound有一幢房子没有任何窗户,其他房子有四個窗户。 you yi chuang fang zi mei you ren he chuang hu ,qi ta fang zi you si ge chuang hu 。soundOne house doesn't have any windows. The other houses have 4 windows.
 sound有一幢房子有窗户,其他房子没有任何窗户。 you yi chuang fang zi you chuang hu ,qi ta fang zi mei you ren he chuang hu 。soundOne house has windows. The other houses don't have any windows.
 sound有一幢房子没有门,其他房子有门。 you yi chuang fang zi mei you men ,qi ta fang zi you men 。soundOne house doesn't have a door. The other houses have doors.
 sound有一幢房子有门,其他房子没有门。 you yi chuang fang zi you men ,qi ta fang zi mei you men 。soundOne house has a door. Neither of the other houses has a door.
 sound有一幢房子是红色屋顶,其他两幢房子是灰色屋顶。 you yi chuang fang zi shi hong se wu ding ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi shi hui se wu ding 。soundOne house has a red roof. The other two have gray roofs.
 sound有一幢房子是灰色屋顶,其他两幢房子是红色屋顶。 you yi chuang fang zi shi hui se wu ding ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi shi hong se wu ding 。soundOne house has a gray roof. The other two have red roofs.
 sound有一幢房子的门是绿色的,其他两幢房子的门是褐色的。 you yi chuang fang zi de men shi lu se de ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi de men shi he se de 。soundOne house has a green door. The other two have brown doors.
 sound有一幢房子的门是褐色的,其他两幢房子的门是绿色的。 you yi chuang fang zi de men shi he se de ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi de men shi lu se de 。soundOne house has a brown door. The other two have green doors.
 sound有一幢房子有三個窗户,其他两幢房子有四個窗户。 you yi chuang fang zi you san ge chuang hu ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi you si ge chuang hu 。soundOne house has 3 windows. The other two have 4 windows.
 sound有一幢房子有四個窗户,其他两幢房子有三個窗户。 you yi chuang fang zi you si ge chuang hu ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi you san ge chuang hu 。soundOne house has 4 windows. The other two have 3 windows.
 sound有一幢房子没有烟囱,其他两幢房子有烟囱。 you yi chuang fang zi mei you yan cong ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi you yan cong 。soundOne house doesn't have a chimney. The other two have chimneys.
 sound有一幢房子有烟囱,其他两幢房子没有烟囱。 you yi chuang fang zi you yan cong ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi mei you yan cong 。soundOne house has a chimney. Neither of the other two has a chimney.
 sound有一幢房子是蓝色的,其他两幢房子是白色的。 you yi chuang fang zi shi lan se de ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi shi bai se de 。soundOne house is blue. The other two are white.
 sound有一幢房子是白色的,其他两幢房子是蓝色的。 you yi chuang fang zi shi bai se de ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi shi lan se de 。soundOne house is white. The other two are blue.
 sound有一幢房子是红色镶边,其他两幢房子是蓝色镶边。 you yi chuang fang zi shi hong se xiang bian ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi shi lan se xiang bian 。soundOne house has red trim. The other two have blue trim.
 sound有一幢房子是蓝色镶边,其他两幢房子是红色镶边。 you yi chuang fang zi shi lan se xiang bian ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi shi hong se xiang bian 。soundOne house has blue trim. The other two have red trim.
 sound有一幢房子的门是开着的,其他房子的门是关着的。 you yi chuang fang zi de men shi kai zhe de ,qi ta fang zi de men shi guan zhe de 。soundThe door on one house is open. The other doors are closed.
 sound有一幢房子的门是关着的,其他房子的门是开着的。 you yi chuang fang zi de men shi guan zhe de ,qi ta fang zi de men shi kai zhe de 。soundThe door on one house is closed. The other doors are open.
 sound有一幢房子有黄色的烟囱,其他两幢房子有灰色的烟囱。 you yi chuang fang zi you huang se de yan cong ,qi ta liang chuang fang zi you hui se de yan cong 。soundOne house has a yellow chimney. The other two have gray chimneys.
 sound有一幢房子有灰色的烟囱,其他两幢房子有黄色的烟囱。 you yi chuang fang zih you huei se de yan cong ,ci ta liang chuang fang zih you huang se de yan cong 。soundOne house has a gray chimney. The other two have yellow chimneys.
手套sound手套 shou taosoundgloves
吊带sound吊带 diao daisoundsuspenders
鞋子sound鞋子 xie zisoundshoes
袜子sound袜子 wa zisoundsocks
衬衫sound衬衫 chen shansoundshirt
门sound门 mensounddoor
衣领sound衣领 yi lingsoundcollar
皇后sound皇后 huang housoundqueen
连衣裙sound连衣裙 lian yi qunsounddress
头发sound头发 tou fasoundhair
窗戶sound窗戶 chuang hosoundwindow
烟囱sound烟囱 yan congsoundchimney
屋顶sound屋顶 wu dingsoundroof