
汉语: 儿童游戏 你找到了多少对反义词?

children汉语: 儿童游戏 你找到了多少对反义词?



移动鼠标在图片的周围。当光标变成手的形状时,按一下图片。图片将更改为相反。再次点击可将其改回来。红色的 X 在页面的底部有红色的 X代表相反对立。当你发现相反对立,红色 X 将替换为一个小图片。当你已经找到所有的相反对立,所有的红色 X 将被替换为图片








How to play: Move the mouse around the picture. When the cursor becomes a hand, click the picture. The picture will change to the opposite. Click again to change it back. The red X's at the bottom represent opposites on the page. As you find the opposites, the red X's will be replaced with a small picture. When you have found all of the opposites, all of the red X's will have been replaced with pictures.

What is learned:  This activity introduces some common words such as open and closed, up and down, on and off, etc.

Getting the most out of the activity: After you have found all of the opposites, go through again to see if you can say the words before you click.
Repeat the sentences that you hear. Make sure you try each item.

Group activities: After doing the activity, the teacher can open and shut the door, or turn the light on and off, hold a picture up high or down low. The children can say if the door is open or shut, etc. to describe what the teacher is demonstrating.

    汉语 Transliteration  Spanish/?familyGroup=x 
 sound你找到了多少对反义词? sound
 sound这个气球在上面. zhe ge qi qiu zai shang mian 。soundThe balloon is up.
 sound这个气球在下面. soundThe balloon is down.
 sound这是只小熊. zhe shi zhi xiao xiong 。soundThe bear is little.
 sound这是只大熊. zhe shi zhi da xiong 。soundThe bear is big.
 sound这只鸟在外面. zhe zhi niao zai wai mian 。soundThe bird is outside.
 sound这只鸟在里面. zhe zhi niao zai li mian 。soundThe bird is inside.
 sound这个男孩在睡觉. soundThe boy is asleep.
 sound这个男孩醒了. soundThe boy is awake.
 sound这列火车朝前开. soundThe train is going forward.
 sound这列火车朝后开. soundThe train is going backwards.
 sound这扇门关着. soundThe door is shut.
 sound这扇门开着. soundThe door is open.
 sound这列火车停了. soundThe train is stopped.
 sound这列火车在行进中. soundThe train is going.
 sound这盏灯关了. soundThe lamp is off.
 sound这盏灯在亮着. soundThe lamp is on.
 sound现在是白天. soundIt is day.
 sound现在是黑夜. soundIt is night.
 sound这列火车是慢的. soundThe train is slow.
 sound这列火车是快的. soundThe train is fast.
 sound这个气球在上面. zhe ge qi qiu zai shang mian 。soundThe balloon is up.
台灯sound台灯 Dengsoundlamp
门sound门 mensounddoor
火车sound火车 huo chesoundtrain
窗戶sound窗戶 chuang hosoundwindow
鸟sound鸟 niaosoundbird
太阳sound太阳 tai yangsoundsun
月亮sound月亮 yue liangsoundmoon
床sound床 Chuangsoundbed
男孩sound男孩 nan haisoundboy
泰迪熊sound泰迪熊 tai di Xiongsoundteddy bear