
汉语: 对话 介绍朋友

conversations汉语: 对话 介绍朋友 boyfriend

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Hebrew/?familyGroup=e 
 介绍朋友 The Boyfriend
 一个年轻的女孩把她的男朋友介绍给家人. A young woman introduces her boyfriend to her relatives.
 sound你好,奶奶. ni hao, nai nai.soundHello, Grandma.
 sound奶奶, 我把黄大勇介绍给你. nai nai, wo ba huang da yong jie shao gei ni.soundGrandma, may I introduce Charlie Jones?
 sound大勇, 这是我的奶奶,我奶奶姓刘. da yong, zhe shi wo de nai nai, wo nai nai xing liu.soundCharlie, this is my grandmother, Mrs. Lewis.
 sound大勇, 你好. da yong, ni hao.soundHello Charlie, how are you?
 sound你好,刘奶奶, 很高兴认识你. ni hao, liu nai nai, hen gao xing ren shi ni. soundI'm fine, Mrs. Lewis, It is a pleasure to meet you.
 sound大勇, 我很高兴能认识你. da yong, wo hen gao xing neng ren shi ni.soundThe pleasure is mine, Charlie.
 sound叔叔, 我把黄大勇介绍给你. shu shu, wo ba huang da yong jie shao gei ni.soundUncle George, may I introduce Charlie Jones?
 sound大勇, 这是我的叔叔. da yong, zhe shi wo de shu shu.soundCharlie, this is my uncle, Mr. Thomas.
 sound你好, 大勇,你可以叫我王叔叔. ni hao ,da yong ,ni ke yi jiao wo wang shu shu 。soundHello Charlie. Please call me George.
 sound你好, 王叔叔, 很高兴认识你. ni hao, wang shu shu, hen gao xing ren shi ni.soundHello George, It is a pleasure to meet you.
 sound大勇,很高兴能认识你 da yong, hen gao xing neng ren shi ni. soundThe pleasure is mine, Charlie.
 sound你好, 王美, 这是大勇. ni hao, wang mei, zhe shi da yong.soundHi Cindy, this is Charlie.
 sound大勇, 这是我的堂妹王美. d ayong, zhe shi wo de tang mei wang mei.soundCharlie, this is my cousin, Cindy.
 sound你好, 大勇. ni hao, da yong.soundHi Charlie.
游戏sound游戏 you xisoundgame
沙发sound沙发 沙發soundsofa