
汉语: 对话 顾客

conversations汉语: 对话 顾客 client

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Hebrew/?familyGroup=s 
 顾客 The Client
 一个年轻的女人同顾客交谈 A young woman meets a client at the airport.
 sound晚上好,高先生。 wan shang hao, gao xian sheng. soundGood evening, Mr. Brant.
 sound晚上好, 你是刘天竹. wan shang hao, ni shi liu tian zhu. soundGood evening. You must be Diane Rogers.
 sound是的, 高先生,很高兴能见到你. shi de, gao xian sheng. hen gao xing neng jian dao ni.soundYes. It is very nice to meet you, Mr. Brant.
 sound欢迎来北京. huanying lai bei jing.soundWelcome to Washington, DC.
 sound旅行如何? lv xing ru he?soundHow was your flight?
 sound这是长途旅行, 我中间需要换飞机. zhe shi chang tu lv xing, wo zong jian xu yao huan fei ji.soundIt was very long and I had to change planes.
 sound哦, 那你一定很累了. o, na ni yi ding shi lei le. soundOh, I am sorry.
 sound我希望你能有机会欣赏一下我们美丽的城市, . wo xi wang ni neng you ji hui xin shang yi xia wo men mei li de cheng shi. soundI hope you will have a chance to relax and enjoy our beautiful city.
 sound谢谢你,天竹 xie xie ni, tian zhu. soundThank you, Diane.
 sound我们去叫出租车吧. wo men qu jiao chu zu che ba. soundLet’s find a taxi now.
公文包sound公文包 gong shi baosoundbriefcase
飞机场sound飞机场 fei ji changsoundairport
飞机sound飞机 fei jisoundairplane