
汉语: 对话 狗

conversations汉语: 对话 狗 dog

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Japanese/?familyGroup=x 
 狗 The Dog
 认真听对话,学习所有格的格式 Listen to this dialog between two women to learn the possessive forms.
 sound杨欣,下午好,最近如何? yang xin, xiao wu hao, zui jin ru he?soundGood afternoon, Mary. How are you?
 sound我很好,你呢? wo hen hao, ni ne?soundI'm fine. And you?
 sound我也很好,谢谢.请进. wo ye hen hao, xie xie. qing jin. soundVery well, thanks. Come in.
 sound刘秋华,你的房子真漂亮. liu qiu hua, ni de fang zi zhen piao liang. soundYour house is lovely, Jane.
 sound我喜欢你的装饰. wo xi huan ni de zhuang shi. soundI love the decor!
 sound谢谢. xie xie. soundThank you.
 sound你要不要喝咖啡? ni yao bu yao he ka fei?soundWould you like coffee?
 sound要的,谢谢 yao de, xie xie. soundYes, please.
 sound你喜欢什么样的咖啡, 加牛奶的还是不加牛奶的? ni xi huan shen me yang de ka fei, jia niu nai de hai shi bu jia niu nai de?soundHow do you like your coffee, black or with milk?
 sound不加牛奶,但是要加点糖,谢谢 bu jia niu nai, dan shi yao jia dian tang, xie xie. soundBlack, with sugar, please.
 sound你的孩子们到哪里去了? ni de hai zi men dao na li qu le?soundWhere are your children?
 sound他们和爸爸在一起. ta men he b aba zai yi qi. soundThey are with their father.
 sound我先生今天得加班. wo xian sheng jin tian dei jia ban. soundMy husband has to work today.
 sound可是今天是星期六. ke shi jian tian shi xing qi liu. soundBut today is Saturday!
 sound是啊,他的老板不可理喻. shi a, ta de lao ban bu ke li yu. soundYes. His boss is impossible.
 sound再见,见到你真高兴. zai jian, jian dao ni zhen gao xing. soundGoodbye. It was nice seeing you.
 sound再见,杨欣。欢迎再来. zai jian, rang xin, huan ying zai lai. soundGoodbye, Mary. Come again soon...
 sound下次你可不可以把狗留在家里面? xia ci, ni ke bu ke yi ba gou liu zai jia li mian?sound... but next time could you leave your dog at home?