
汉语: 对话 大家来吃晚饭

conversations汉语: 对话 大家来吃晚饭 guests

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Spanish/?familyGroup=x 
 大家来吃晚饭 Company is Coming for Dinner
 一个奶奶告诉她的孙女晚上吃什么。 A little girl asks her grandmother many questions.
 sound外婆,你在干什么? wai po, ni zai gan shen me?soundWhat are you doing Grandma?
 sound我在做蛋糕。 wo zai zuo dan gao.soundI'm making a cake.
 sound什么样的蛋糕? shen me yang de dan gao?soundWhat kind of cake is it?
 sound你喜欢的巧克力蛋糕 ni xi huan de qiao ke li dan gao.soundIt is chocolate, your favorite.
 sound你为什么要做蛋糕? ni wei shen me yao zuo dan gao?soundWhy are you making a cake?
 sound有客人来吃晚饭。 you ke ren lai chi wan fan.soundCompany is coming for dinner.
 sound谁会来呀? shui hui lai ya?soundWho is coming?
 sound你,你妈妈,爸爸和哥哥,还有你的舅舅,舅妈,天心,天竹,还有天心的男朋友。 ni , ni ma ma , ba ba he ge ge, hai you ni de jiu jiu, jiu ma, tian xin, tian zhu, hai you tian xin de nan peng you.soundYou, your mommy and daddy and your brother, your Aunt Mary, your Uncle Mike, your cousins Debbie and Diane, and Debbie's boyfriend.
 sound他们什么时候来? ta men shen me shi hou lai?soundWhen are they coming?
 sound他们七点钟到。 ta men qi dian zhong dao.soundThey will be here at 7:00.
 sound我们晚上吃什么? wo men wan shang chi shen me?soundWhat are we having for dinner?
 sound我们吃烤鸭。 wo men chi kao ya.soundWe are having fried chicken, mashed potatoes, a salad, and hot rolls.
 sound我能帮你吗? wo neng bang ni ma?soundCan I help you cook?
 sound当然可以。 dang ran ke yi.soundYes, Cindy, of course!
烤箱sound烤箱 kao xiangsoundoven
橱柜sound橱柜 chu guisoundcabinet
冰箱sound冰箱 bing xiangsoundrefrigerator
水槽sound水槽 shui caosoundsink
搅拌机sound搅拌机 jiao ban qisoundmixer
碗sound碗 wansoundbowl