
汉语: 对话 我的学生生活

conversations汉语: 对话 我的学生生活 life-then

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Bulgarian/?familyGroup=a 
 我的学生生活 My Life as a Student
 一个年轻女人比较她现在和学生时期的生活 A young woman tells about life as a student.
 sound我的大学生活,是非常不一样的。 soundWhen I was student at the university my life was very different.
 sound我早上九点半前从来没有醒过。 wo zao shang jiu dian ban qian cong lai mei you xing guo. soundI never woke up before 9:30 in the morning.
 sound我在十点钟起床,洗澡,快速穿衣。 wo shi dian zhong qi chuang, xi zo, kuai su chuan yi. soundI got up at 10:00, bathed, and dressed quickly.
 sound我穿上裤子和体恤或者毛衣。 soundI put on pants and a T-shirt or a sweater.
 sound我几乎不吃早餐。 wo ji hu bu chi zao can. soundI almost never had breakfast;
 sound我不喜欢食堂的饭菜。 wo bu xi huan shi tang de fan cai. soundI did not like the food in the cafeteria,
 sound而且,我也没有时间。 er qie,wo ye mei you shi jian. soundand besides, I didn't have time.
 sound我不吃饭就去上课。 wo bu chi fan jiu qu shang ke.soundI went to my classes without eating,
 sound但是,我和朋友们在小吃店吃午饭。 soundbut then I ate at noon with my friends in the snack bar.
 sound我下午和我的男朋友在一起。 wi xia wu he wo de nan peng you zai yi qi. soundI spent the afternoons with my boyfriend.
 sound晚上我看一会儿电视,然后就学习。 wan shang wo kan yi hui er dian shi, ran hou jiu xue xi. soundAt night I watched a little TV and studied.
 sound我从来没有在午夜前,上床睡觉过。 soundI never went to bed before midnight.
 sound有时是,凌晨一点或者两点才睡觉。 soundSometimes it was one or two in the morning.
 sound尽管,我的日常时间非常灵活, soundAlthough my daily schedule was much more flexible then-
 sound我没有受时间的严格控制。 wo mei you shou doa shi jian de yan ge kong zhi.soundI was not restricted by the tyranny of the clock
 sound象现在,太多的紧张和压力 xiang xian zai,tai duo de jingzhang he ya li. soundlike now - there were many pressures and much stress.
 sound总有许多事情要做。 zong you xu duo shi qing yao zuo. soundThere was always so much to do:
 sound许多的任务,阅读,考试 xu duo de ren wu , yue du, kao shi. soundso many tasks, so many readings, so many tests.
 sound有时我的工作,太多了。 soundSometimes I had too much work.
电脑sound电脑 dian naosoundcomputer
笔记本sound笔记本 bi ji bensoundnotebook
桌子sound桌子 桌子soundtable
植物sound植物 zhi wusoundplants
百叶窗sound百叶窗 bai ye chuangsoundblinds