
汉语: 对话 一个妈妈的生活

conversations汉语: 对话 一个妈妈的生活 mother

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Indonesian/?familyGroup=s 
 一个妈妈的生活 The Mother
 一个年轻的妈妈讲述她的工作和家庭 A mother talks about her job and her family.
 sound你好,我叫刘秋华。 ni hao, wo jiao liu qiu hua. soundHello. My name is Jane Thomas.
 sound我今年三十六岁。 wo jin nian san shi liu sui. soundI am 36 years old.
 sound我丈夫叫王正成。 wo zhang fu jiao wang zheng cheng. soundMy husband’s name is George.
 sound我们有两个可爱的孩子叫王长治和王美. wo men you liang ge ke ai de hai zi jiao wang chang zhi he wang mei. soundWe have two wonderful children: Paul and Cindy.
 sound王长治十二岁,王美六岁。 wang chang zhi shi er sui, wang mei liu sui. soundPaul is 12 and Cindy is 6 years old.
 sound我是一名英语老师。 wo shi yi ming ying yu lao shi. soundI am an Spanish teacher.
 sound我在我的孩子们所在的学校教书。 wo zai wo de hai zi men suo zai de xue xiao jiao shu. soundI just started working at the same school that my children attend.
 sound我喜欢外国语言。 wo xi huan wai guo yu yan. soundI love foreign languages,
 sound并且喜欢教书。 bing qie xi huan jiao shu. soundand I enjoy teaching.
 sound我也喜欢和孩子们在一起。 wo ye xi huan he hai zi men zai yi qi. soundI also enjoy working with children.
 sound我非常忙。 wo fei chang mang. soundI am a very busy mom,