
汉语: 对话 外甥

conversations汉语: 对话 外甥 nephew

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Japanese/?familyGroup=x 
 外甥 The Nephew
 一个女人讲她的外甥 A woman tells a friend about her nephews visit
 sound喂 soundHello.
 sound喂,请找张茜。 wei, qing zhao zhang qian. soundHello, may I speak to Mary, please.
 sound我是朱少芬。 wo shi zhu shao fen. soundThis is Carol.
 sound我是张茜。 wo shi zhang qian. soundThis is Mary.
 sound张茜,你好吗? zhang qian, ni hao ma?soundHi, Mary. How are you?
 sound我很好,你呢? wo hen hao, ni ne?soundI'm fine, Carol. And you?
 sound我也很好, 谢谢。 wo ye hen hao, xie xie. soundI'm fine, thanks.
 sound我们今天在红河饭店,一起吃午饭,怎么样? soundWould you like to have lunch today at the Red River Restaurant?
 sound对不起,朱少芬,不行。 dui bu qi, zhu shao fen, bu xing. soundI'm sorry, Carol, I can't.
 sound我正在去杂货店的路上。 wo zai qu za huo dian de lu shang. soundI was just leaving for the grocery store.
 sound我要准备些东西, 做晚饭。 soundI have to buy some things for dinner tonight.
 sound我的侄子王长治, 这星期来拜访我们,你不知道他有多能吃。 soundMy nephew, Paul, is visiting us this week and it is amazing how much he eats!
 sound他的胃口真好。 ta de wei kou zhen hao. soundHe has an enormous appetite.
 sound他什么时候来的? ta shen me shi hou lai de?soundWhen did he come?
 sound他星期六来的,要住八天。 ta xing qi liu lai de, yao zhu ba tian. soundHe came Saturday and he is staying for eight days..
 sound你的侄子多大了? ni de zhi zi duo da le ?soundHow old is your nephew?
 sound十二岁。 shi er sui.soundTwelve.
 sound十二岁的男孩,精力很旺盛。 soundTwelve year old boys are very energetic.
 sound是的,他很好动,但是他举止文雅,我很喜欢他。 she de, ta hen hao dong, dan shi ta ju zhi wen ya, wo hen xi huan ta. soundYes, he is very active, but he is adorable, and I love him very much.
 sound他黑头发,黑眼睛。 ta hei tou fa, hei yan jing. soundHe has light hair and big green eyes.