
汉语: 对话 打包

conversations汉语: 对话 打包 packing

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Indonesian/?familyGroup=s 
 打包 Packing
 父母讨论带什么去渡假。 The Thomas' talk about what to pack for their vacation.
 sound你在做什么? ni zai zuo shen mesoundWhat are you doing?
 sound我在为旅行收拾行李。 wo zai wei lv xing shou shi xing li. soundI am packing a suitcase for our trip.
 sound我已经收拾好了我的衣服。 wo yi jing shou shi hao le wo de yi fu. soundI have already packed my clothes.
 sound你带了我的绿色和茶色短裤,还有一些衬衫吗? ni dai le wo de lv se he cha se duan ku, hai you yi xie chen shan ma?soundHave you packed my green and tan shorts and a few shirts?
 sound是的,你要不要带一些长裤呢? shi de, ni yao bu yao dai yi xie chang ku ne?soundYes, do you want to take pants as well?
 sound在晚上会有些凉。 zai wan shang hui you xie liang. soundIt may be chilly in the evenings.
 sound对,这是个好主意。 dui, zhe shi ge hao zhi yi. soundYes, that is a good idea.
 sound还有请装上这件新的长袖衬衫。 hai you qing zhuang shang zhe jian xin de chang xiu chen shan. soundAnd please, pack this new long sleeved shirt too.
 sound我们要带雨衣吗? wo men yao dai yu yi ma?soundShall we take rain jackets?
 sound有可能会下雨。 you ke neng hui xia yu.soundIt could rain.
 sound以防万一,我们还是带雨衣吧。 yi fang wan yi, wo men hai shi dai yu yi ba. soundLet’s take them just in case.
 sound你带了雨伞,太阳镜,棒球帽吗? ni dai le yu san, tai yang jing, bang qiu mao ma?soundHave you packed an umbrella, sunglasses, and baseball caps?
 sound是的,但是我找不到你的游泳衣了。 shi de, dan shi wo zhao bu dao ni de you yongyi le.soundYes, but I can’t find your swim suit.
 sound你的游泳衣在哪里? ni de you yong yi zai na li?soundWhere is it?
 sound就在这里,我还需要人字拖鞋。 niu zai zhe li, wo hai xu yao ren zi tuo xie.soundRight here. And I will need these flip-flops.
 sound你要带望远镜吗? ni yao dai wang yuan jing ma?soundWould you like to take binoculars?
 sound是的,只要箱子还有地方。 shi de, zhi yao xiang zi hai you di fang. soundYes, if we still have space.
 sound我带着你给我的那本新书到飞机上读。 wo dai zhe ni gei wo de na ben xin shu dao feiji shang du. soundI will take the new book that you gave me to read on the plane.
 sound我想就这样了。 wo xiang jiu zhe yang le. soundI think that is it.
 sound我们可以出发了。 wo men ke yi chu fa le. soundWe are ready to go!
床sound床 Chuangsoundbed
皮箱sound皮箱 pi xiangsoundsuitcase
衣柜sound衣柜 yi guisounddresser
地板sound地板 di bansoundfloor
妈妈sound妈妈 ma masoundmother