
汉语: 对话 膳宿公寓

conversations汉语: 对话 膳宿公寓 pension

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Indonesian/?familyGroup=m 
 膳宿公寓 The Pension
 双胞胎姐妹在膳宿公寓订了房间 Debbie and Diane find a room in a pension.
 sound我们要一间两人房。 wo men yao yi jian liang ren fan. soundWe would like a room for two people.
 sound多少钱? duo shao qian?soundWhat does it cost?
 sound住宿加膳食是一个人一天40块钱。 zhu su jia shan shi shi yi ge ren yi tian si shi kuai qian.soundRoom and board costs $40 per person, per day.
 sound这意味着住宿包括早餐,午餐和晚餐。 zhe yi wei zhe zhu su bao kuo zao can, wu can he wan can. soundThat means that the room includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
 sound不包括膳食是一人一天30块钱。 bu bao guo shan shi shi yi ren yi tian san shi kuai qian. soundWithout meals, it is $30 per person, per day.
 sound你觉得呢?刘天心 ni jue de ne/ liu tian xin.soundWhat do you think, Debbie?
 sound我觉得比较合理,而且我也不愿意走路了。 wo jue de bijiao he li, er qie wo ye bu yuan yi zou lu le.soundI think that is reasonable, besides, I'm tired of walking.
 sound那我们就要住宿加膳食。 na wo men jiu yao zhu su jia shan shi.soundLet's take it, with meals.
 sound好的,服务员,我们要一间有两张单人床的房间。 hao de, fu wu yuan, wo men yao yi jian you liang zhang dan ren chuang de fang jian. soundOk, ma'm, we want a room with two single beds.
 sound你们要在苏州住几个晚上? ni men yao zai su zhou zhu ji ge wan shang?soundHow long will you be in Los Angeles?
 sound我们要住一个星期。 wo men yao zhu yi ge xing qi.soundWe will be here for one week.
 sound我需要看你们的护照,并且你们要在这里签字。 wo xu yao kan ni men de hu zhao, bing qie ni men yao zai zhe li qian zi.soundI need to see some identification, and you can sign here.
 sound洗澡离房间近吗? xizao li fang jian jin ma?soundIs the bath near the room?
 sound是的,在小走廊里。 shi de ,zai xiao zou lang li. soundYes, in the same hall.
 sound房间里有一个有热水和冷水的洗手池。 fan jian li you yi ge you re shui he leng shui de xi shou chi. soundThe room also has a sink with hot and cold water.
 sound今天很冷。 jin tian hen leng.soundIt is cold today.
 sound房间里有加热器吗? fang jian li you jia re qi ma?soundIs there heat in the room?
 sound有的,房间里还有毯子。 you de , fang jan li hai you tan zi.soundYes, and there are also blankets.
 sound我们需要现在付钱吗? wo men xu yao xian zai fu qian ma?soundDo we have to pay now?
 sound是的,我希望如此。 shi de , wo xi wang ru ci.soundYes, I prefer that.
 sound我们收信用卡和旅行支票。 wo men shou xin yong ka he lv xing zhi piao. soundWe accept credit cards and travelers checks.
 sound这是我的信用卡。 zhe shi wo de xin yong ka. soundHere is my credit card.
 sound谢谢,这是钥匙。 xie xie, zhe shi yao shi. soundThank you. Here is the key.
 sound房间号是23号。 fang jian hao shi er shi san hao. soundThe room is number 23.
皮箱sound皮箱 pi xiangsoundsuitcase
植物sound植物 zhi wusoundplants
钥匙sound钥匙 soundkey
护照sound护照 hu zhaosoundpassport