
汉语: 对话 电话留言

conversations汉语: 对话 电话留言 phone-message

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Spanish/?familyGroup=x 
 电话留言 Do you know the number?
 两个朋友在讲电话。 A young man asks for another friends phone number.
 sound喂,我是刘天心。 wei , wo shi liu tian xin.soundHello, Debbie speaking.
 sound天心,我一小时前给你打电话,并且在留言机里留言给你。 tian xin, wo yi xiao shi qian gei ni da dian hua,bing qie zai li yan ji li liu yan gei ni. soundDebbie, I called you an hour ago and I left a message on your answering machine.
 sound你收到了没有? ni shou dao le mei you?soundDid you receive it?
 sound哦,是你给我留言的。 o, shi ni gei wo liu yan de. soundAh, it was you who left that message?
 sound我没有听出你的声音。 wo mei ting chu ni de sheng yin.soundI did not recognize your voice. You left the message in Spanish.
 sound你说的太快了。 ni shuo de tai kuai le. soundYou know very well that when somebody speaks to me fast in Spanish,
 sound我没听明白你说的。 wo mei ting ming bai ni shuo de. soundespecially by telephone, I do not understand anything!
 sound你想要什么? ni xiang yao shen me?soundWhat do you want?
 sound我想要黄大伟的电话号码。 wo xiang yao huang da wei de dian hua hao ma.soundI need Jim's telephone number.
 sound他上个月给了我他的电话号码,但是我昨天晚上给他打电话, ta shang ge yue gei le wo a de dianhua hao ma, dan shi wo zuo tian wan shang gei ta da dian hua,soundHe gave me his number last month, but when I called it last night,
 sound电话里说我打错了。 dian hua li shuo wo da cuo le.soundit told me I had the wrong number.
 sound黄大伟上星期搬家了。 hang da wi shang xing qi ban jia le. soundJim moved last week.
 sound现在他有了自己的公寓了。 xian zai ta you le zi ji de gong yu le. soundNow he has his own apartment.
 sound也许,他有了新的电话号码。 ye xu, ta you le xin de dian hua hao ma.soundPerhaps, he has a new telephone number.
 sound你为什么不给他女朋友朱晓晓打电话呢? ni wei shen me bu gei ta de nv peng you zhu xiao xaio da dian hua?soundWhy not call Emily, his girlfriend?
 sound大勇告诉我黄大伟和朱晓晓分手了。 da yong gao su wo huang da wei he zhu xiao xiao fen shou le. soundTony told me that Jim broke up with Emily
 sound现在他和别的人在一起。 xian zai he he bie de ren zai yi qi. soundand now he is going with someone else.
 sound听起来他不仅有了新的公寓, ting qi lai ta bu jin you le xin de gong yu,soundIt seems that not only does he have a new apartment
 sound新的电话号码, xin de dian hua hao ma,soundand a new telephone number,
 sound他还有了新的女朋友。 ta hai you le xin de nv peng you.soundhe has a new girl friend, too.