
汉语: 对话 纪念品

conversations汉语: 对话 纪念品 souvenirs

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Hebrew/?familyGroup=e 
 纪念品 Souvenirs
 父母买礼物带回家。 The parents buy gifts to take home.
 sound我觉得我们应该给你的妈妈买一件好的礼物。 wo jue de wo men ying gai gei ni de ma ma mai yi jian hao de li wu. soundI think we should buy a nice gift for your mother.
 sound当我们度假时,她非常热心的帮我们照看小孩子。 dang wo men du jia shi, t afei chang re xin de bang wo men zhao kan xiao hai zi. soundIt is very nice of her to take care of the children while we are on vacation.
 sound是啊,我们应该给她和孩子们买些纪念品。 shi a, wo men ying gai ge ta he hai zi men mai xie ji nian pin. soundYes, we should buy her and the kids some souvenirs.
 sound你有什么想法吗? yi you shen me xiang fa ma?soundDo you have any ideas?
 sound你喜不喜欢这副画? ni xi bu xi huan zhe fu hua?soundDo you like this painting?
 sound它是不是和她的公寓里的装饰很配呢? ta shi bu shi he ta de gong yu li de zhuang shi hen pei ne?soundDoes it go with the decor in her apartment?
 sound是的,它很漂亮。 shi de, ta hen piao liang.soundYes, it is beautiful.
 sound对不起,这副画多少钱? dui bu qi, zhe fu hua duo shao qian?soundExcuse me, how much does this painting cost?
 sound这副画三百块钱。 zhe fu hua san bai kuai qian.soundThat painting costs $60.
 sound太好了,我们同样希望给孩子们买些礼物。 tai hao le, wo men tong yang xi wang gei hai zai men mai xie li wu.soundGreat. We would also like to buy some gifts for the kids.
 sound您要不要看看玩具? nin yao bu yao kan kan wan ju?soundWould you like me to show you some toys?
 sound我想王美会喜欢这个贝壳项链的。 wo xiang wang mei hui xi huan zhe ge bei ke xiang lian de.soundI think Cindy will like this shell necklace.
 sound是的,而且,我们可以给王长治这艘轮船模型。 shi de, er qie,wo men keyi gei wang chang zhi zhe sou lun chuan mo xing. soundYes. And we can get Paul this model of a ship.
 sound总共多少钱? zon ggong duo shao qian?soundHow much is this all together?
 sound这副画三百块,贝壳项链五十块,轮船模型八十块。 zhe fu hua san bai kuai, bei ke xiang lian wu shi kuai, lun xhuan mo xing ba shi kuai.soundThat is $60 for the painting, $6 for the shell necklace, and $11 for the ship.
 sound总共四百三十块钱。 zong gong si bai san shi kuai.soundThe total is $77.
 sound这是五百块。 zhe shi wu bai kuai. soundHere is $80.
 sound谢谢您,这是您的七十块找零。 xie xie nin, zhe shi nin de qi shi kuai zhao ling. soundThank you. Your change is $3.
 sound谢谢你。 xie xie ni.soundThank you.
 sound不用谢,谢谢您的光临。 bu yong xie, xie xei nin de guang lin. soundYou are welcome. Enjoy the rest of your stay.
项链sound项链 xiang liansoundnecklace
画sound画 huasoundpicture
钱sound钱 qiansoundmoney
收银机sound收银机 shou yin jisoundcash register
船sound船 chuansoundboat