
汉语: 对话 避暑度假房子

conversations汉语: 对话 避暑度假房子 summerhouse

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Indonesian/?familyGroup=m 
 避暑度假房子 A summer house
 一个女人描述一个避暑度假房子。 A woman tells a co-worker about her new summer house.
 sound张茜,你为什么这么高兴? 有什么事发生? zhang qian, ni wei shen me zhe me gao xing, you shen me shi fa sheng?soundWhy you are so happy today, Mary? What happened?
 sound因为刘孟林和我要在海南买一幢避暑房子。 yin wei liu meng li he wo yao zai hai nan mai fang zi.soundIt is because Mike and I are going to buy a summer house in Maine.
 sound海南,是吗? hai nan, shi ma?soundMaine, eh?
 sound太好了,那么,房子是什么样呢? tai hao le, na me, fang zi shi shen me yang ne?soundHow nice! Well, what is the house like?
 sound非常漂亮,有一个很大的平台,两间卧室,一间浴室和一间很大的客厅。 fei chang piao liang, you yi ge hen da de ping tai, liang jian wo shi, i jian yu shi he yi jian hen da de ke ting. soundIt is very pretty! It has a large patio, two bedrooms, a bath and an enormous living room.
 sound厨房和饭厅比较小,但是很漂亮。 chu fang he fan ting bi jiao xiao, dan shi hen piao liang. soundThe kitchen and the dining room are small, but very pretty.
 sound它靠近海滩吗? ta gao jin hai tan ma?soundIt is near the beach?
 sound是的,我们计划在那里度假。 shi de, wo men ji hua zai na li du jia.soundYes, we plan to spend our vacations there.
 sound度假? du jia?soundVacations, eh?
 sound是的,当然,朱少芬,你呢?你在哪里度假? shi se, dang ran. zhu shao fen, ni ne? ni zai na li du jia?soundYes, of course. And you, Carol, where do you plan to spend your vacations?
电脑sound电脑 dian naosoundcomputer
书桌sound书桌 shu zhuosounddesk
椅子sound椅子 yi zisoundchair