
汉语: 对话 许多电话

conversations汉语: 对话 许多电话 telephones

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Vietnamese/?familyGroup=s 
 许多电话 Telephones
 一个女孩在讲一些她朋友家的一些事情。 A young girls is suprised by the number of telephones in her friends house.
 sound陈云云是我最好的朋友。 chen yun yun shi wo zui hao peng you. soundKaren is my best friend.
 sound我喜欢去她家玩。 wo xi huan qu ta jia wan. soundI love to visit her in her house.
 sound在陈云云家有四台电视机, zai chen yun yun jia you si tai dian shi ji. soundIn Karen's house there are four televisions ...
 sound两台立体声,两台电脑和五部电话。 liang tai li ti sheng, liang tia dian nao he wu bu dian hua. soundtwo stereos, two computers and five telephones.
 sound陈云云的家里人口并不多。 chen yun yun de jia li ren kou bing bu duo. soundKaren's family isn't very big.
 sound只有四口人:陈云云,她的父母和一个婴儿军军。 zhi you si kou ren, chen yun yun, ta de fu mu he yi ge ying er jun jun. soundThere are only four people: Karen, her parents, and the baby, Cody.
 sound我不明白- 五部电话,只有四个人用? wo bu ming bai, wu bu dian hua, zhi you si ge ren yong?soundI don't understand - five telephones for just four people?
 sound婴儿军军还不知道如何使用电话。 ying er hai bu zhi dao ru he shi yong dian hua,soundThe baby, Cody, doesn't use the telephone.
 sound实际上,五部电话只有三个人在用! shi ji shang, wu bu dian hua zhi you san ge ren zai yong. soundActually, there are five telephones for just three people!
电脑sound电脑 dian naosoundcomputer
立体音响sound立体音响 li ti yin xiangsoundstereo
家庭sound家庭 jia tingsoundfamily
树sound树 soundtrees
房子sound房子 fang zisoundhouse
婴儿sound婴儿 ying ersoundbaby
电话sound电话 dian huasoundtelephone
电视sound电视 dian shisoundtelevision