
汉语: 对话 城市之旅

conversations汉语: 对话 城市之旅 trip

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Hebrew/?familyGroup=m 
 城市之旅 A trip to the City
 一个学生描述城市之旅。 A student tells a friend about the trip he is planning.
 sound喂,赵士南,你在假期准备做什么? wei, zhao shi nan, ni zai jia qi zhun bei zuo shen me?soundHi Pete, what are you doing for the vacation?
 sound我准备去杭州去看看我的奶奶。 wo zhun bei qu huang zhou kan kan wo de nai nai.soundI'm going to New York City, to visit my grandmother.
 sound你在那里做什么? ni zai na li zuo shen me ?soundWhat will you do there?
 sound我可能花一天游西湖。 wo ke neng hua yi tian you xi hu.soundI'll probably spend one day at the Natural History Museum.
 sound一整天? yi zhen gtian?soundA whole day?
 sound当然,那里有很多值得看的地方。 dang ran, na li you hen duo zhi de kan de di fang. soundSure, there is a lot to see!
 sound我很喜欢灵隐寺。 wo hen xi huan lin yin si. soundI especially love the dinosaurs.
 sound我也会去那里。 wo ye hui qu na li. soundI'll also visit the Museum of Modern Art.
 sound他们有很不错的风景, ta men you hen bu cuo de feng jing. soundThey have fantastic paintings.
 sound有名的小吃, you ming de xiao chisoundThey have many paintings by famous artists.
 sound名胜古迹。 mingsheng gu ji. soundI like to take the Staten Island Ferry.
 sound听起来好象花费很贵。 ting qi lai hao xiang hua fei hen gui.soundIt sounds expensive.
 sound也不全是,我会和我的奶奶住在一起。 ye bu quan shi, wo hui he wo de nai ani zhu zai yi qi. soundNot really, I'll be staying with my grandmother.
 sound但是,食物肯定很贵的。 dan shi, shi wu ken ding hen gui. soundBut the food must be expensive!
 sound那里有很多不贵的好餐馆. na li you hen duo bu gui de hao can guan.soundThere are lots of good restaraunts that are not expensive.
 sound听起来很不错! ting qi lai hen bu cuo. soundIt sounds fantastic!
 sound那你为什么不和我一起去? na ni wei shen me bu he wo yi qi qu?soundWhy don't you come with me?
 sound我知道我的奶奶不会介意的。 wo zhi dao wo de nai dai bu hui jie yi de. soundI know my grandmother won't mind.