
汉语: 对话 妈妈,你在做什么?

conversations汉语: 对话 妈妈,你在做什么? why

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  English/?translate=Spanish 
 妈妈,你在做什么? Why?
 一个小女孩问了许多问题。 A little girl asks many questions.
 sound妈妈,你在做什么? ma ma, ni zai zuo shen me?soundWhat are you doing mommy?
 sound我在收拾行李。 wo zai shou shi xing li.soundI'm packing the suitcase.
 sound你爸爸和我要去度假。 ni ba ba he wo yao qu du jia. soundYour father and I are going on a vacation.
 sound你们去哪里? ni men qu na li?soundWhere are you going?
 sound我们要去海南,去海边。 wo men yao qu hai nan, qu hai bian.soundWe are going to Florida, to the beach.
 sound哪一个海边? na yi ge hai bian?soundWhich beach?
 sound在三亚的海边。 zai san ya de hai bian.soundThe beach at Sanibel Island.
 sound你们什么时候走? ni men shen me shi hou zou?soundWhen are you leaving?
 sound我们在星期六走。 wo men zai xing qi liu zou.soundWe are leaving Saturday.
 sound你们坐什么去? ni men zuo shen me qu?soundHow are you going?
 sound我们坐飞机去。 wo men zuo fei ji qu.soundWe are flying.
 sound你们要在那里呆多久? ni men yao zai na li dai duo jiu?soundHow long will you be there?
 sound我们要呆一个星期。 wo men yao dai yi ge xing qi.soundWe will be gone for one week.
 sound谁来照顾我们? shui lai zhao gu wo men?soundWho is going to take care of us?
 sound你们的外婆星期五会来。 ni men de wai po xing qi wu hui lai. soundYour grandmother is coming Friday.
 sound妈妈,你为什么要去度假? ma ma, ni wei shen me yao qu du jia?soundWhy do you need a vacation, Mommy?
 sound你整天和我们一起玩的。 ni zheng tian he wo men yi qi wan de. soundYou play with us all day.
爸爸sound爸爸 ba basoundfather
女儿sound女儿 nü ersounddaughter
外婆sound外婆 wai posoundgrandmother
床sound床 Chuangsoundbed
皮箱sound皮箱 pi xiangsoundsuitcase
海滩sound海滩 hai biansoundbeach
衣柜sound衣柜 yi guisounddresser
地板sound地板 di bansoundfloor
日历sound日历 ri lisoundcalendar
妈妈sound妈妈 ma masoundmother
飞机sound飞机 fei jisoundairplane