
汉语: 科学 青蛙的变态

science汉语: 科学 青蛙的变态

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What is learned: The students learn science vocabulary and concepts.

Getting the most out of the activity: Repeat the words.

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 sound青蛙的变态 soundFrog Metamorphosis
 sound青蛙和蟾蜍是两栖类 soundFrogs and toads are amphibians
 sound两栖类他们的生活,一部分在陆地,一部分在水中。 soundAmphibians live part of their life on land and part in water.
 sound青蛙和蟾蜍在水中产卵。 soundFrogs and toads lay their eggs in water.
 sound他们产下很多很多的卵。 soundThey lay many, many eggs.
 sound他们 一次产下约4千个卵! soundThey lay about 4,000 eggs at one time!
 sound大多数的卵不变成青蛙。 soundMost of the eggs do not become frogs.
 sound当卵孵化时,它被称为蝌蚪。 soundWhen the egg hatches it is called a tadpole.
 sound蝌蚪有长长的尾巴,是用来游泳。 soundA tadpole has a long tail that is uses to swim.
 sound它用鳃呼吸。 soundIt breathes with gills.
 sound一段时间后,蝌蚪开始改变成青蛙。 soundAfter a while, the tadpole starts to change into a frog.
 sound从蝌蚪到青蛙的变化被称为变态。 soundThe change from a tadpole to a frog is called metamorphosis.
 sound蝌蚪长出两个后腿。 soundThe tadpole grows two back legs.
 sound接下来,它长出两条前腿。 soundNext it grows two front legs.
 sound随着腿部长出,尾巴变短。 soundAs the legs grow the tail gets shorter.
 sound当它长出腿时,它被称为一个年轻的青蛙,有腿和尾巴。 soundWhen it starts to get legs it is called a froglet.
 sound口变得更大。 soundThe mouth gets bigger.
 sound眼睛开始隆起。 soundThe eyes start to bulge.
 sound当青蛙是一个成蛙,它可以使用肺呼吸空气。 soundWhen the frog is an adult it can breathe air using lungs.
 sound成蛙几乎没有尾巴。 soundThe adult frog has almost no tail.
 sound它使用它的腿, 来跳跃。 soundIt uses its legs to jump or hop.
 sound青蛙吃昆虫, 小鱼和蠕虫。 soundA frog eats insects and small fish and worms.
卵块sound卵块 soundegg mass
蝌蚪sound蝌蚪 soundtadpole
从蝌蚪变态的年轻青蛙,有腿和尾巴sound从蝌蚪变态的年轻青蛙,有腿和尾巴 soundfroglet
青蛙sound青蛙 qing wasoundfrog