
Русский: Игры для детей

childrenРусский: Игры для детей

How to play: Drag the eyes, nose, mouth and other parts to make a face. Click on the face to select a different vegetable.

What is learned:  Children learn parts of the face.

Getting the most out of the activity: Learn all of the parts of the face. Click the parts and say the words. Then try to say the word before you click the button.
Repeat the sentences that you hear. Make sure you try each item.

Group activities: Name a part of the face and ask children to point to it. Let children glue colored shapes to paper to make a face. Then they can tell what is on their paper.

    Русский Transliteration  BulgarianTransliteration
ухоsoundухо soundухо
глазsoundглаз glazsoundоко
картофельsoundкартофель kartofel'soundкартофи
помидорsoundпомидор pomidorsoundдомат
ротsoundрот rotsoundуста
носsoundнос nossoundнос
морковьsoundморковь morkov'soundморков
лукsoundлук luksoundлук
тыкваsoundтыква soundтиква
бровьsoundбровь brov'soundвежди
усыsoundусы usysoundмустаци