
Việt: Vui học trên mạng: Giúp con chuột kiếm miếng bơ.

learnViệt: Vui học trên mạng: Giúp con chuột kiếm miếng bơ.

How to play: Click any of the buttons to turn the mouse and to move him through the maze to the cheese. If he can't go forward, he says "I can't" or "It's impossible" Sometimes he can't go forward but he can jump instead.
If he falls in the tunnel, it is dark and he can't do anything but go forward until he comes out of the tunnel. Click the arrow button to play again.

What is learned:  The student will learn the words for "turn left", "turn right", "turn around", "go forward" and "jump." This activity encourages the child to plan a route through the maze and learn phrases for directions. They will learn the vocabulary in the game.

Getting the most out of the activity: Click on the wall, the fence, the water, and the tunnel to learn the vocabulary words. Try different routes through the maze, put the mouse in the water to hear him say "I'm cold." and put him in the tunnel to hear him say "It's dark." Click the "forward" button when it is impossible to hear him say "I can't" or "It's impossible." He says "Thank you" when he gets to the cheese. Make sure that you repeat the words and phrases that you hear.

Group activities: Have the students stand. Click the buttons in the Mouse Maze game to hear the words turn left, etc. the students should turn as directed. If a student can't move forward, he should say "I can't" or "It's impossible."

Pick an object to represent the cheese. Pick one student to be the mouse. Hide the cheese while the "mouse" covers his eyes. The other students can give directions to the mouse to get to the cheese. Let the students take turns being the mouse and being the one giving directions.

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 soundGiúp con chuột kiếm miếng bơ. soundHelp the mouse find the cheese.
 con chuột muốn lấy cục bơ! Bấm vào nút để giúp con chuột lấy cục bơ: The mouse wants the cheese! Click the buttons to help the mouse get the cheese.
 soundMiếng bơ đâu rồi? soundWhere's the cheese?
 soundTại sao? Why?
 soundCám ơn. soundThank you.
 soundđi lên phía trước. soundGo forward.
 soundQuẹo trái. soundTurn left.
 soundQuẹo phải soundTurn right.
 soundQuay vòng tron. soundTurn around.
 soundNhảy! soundJump!
 soundTôi lạnh ! soundI'm cold!
 soundTối quá! soundIt's dark!
 soundNhảy! soundJump!
 soundTôi không thể soundI can't.
 soundđều đó không thể xảy ra soundIt's impossible.
Con chuộtsoundCon chuột soundmouse
Đường hầmsoundĐường hầm soundtunnel
Hàng ràosoundHàng rào soundfence
Cái tườngsoundCái tường soundwall
Phô mátsoundPhô mát soundcheese
NướcsoundNước soundwater