
English: Main concepts Does Pete eat...?

learnEnglish: Main concepts Does Pete eat...?

    English    Latvian 
 Does Pete eat...? 
 soundDoes Pete eat the appleVai tas vīrs ēd ābolu?
 soundYes, Pete eats itJā, vinš ēd.
 soundDoes Pete eat the banana
 soundYes, Pete eats it
 soundDoes Pete eat the carrot
 soundYes, Pete eats it
 soundDoes Pete eat the grapes
 soundYes, Pete eats them
 soundDoes Pete eat the lemon
 soundNo, Pete does not eat it
 soundDoes Pete eat the mouse
 soundYes, Pete eats it
 soundNo, Pete does not eat it
 soundDoes Pete eat the onion
 soundYes, Pete eats it
 soundNo, Pete does not eat it
mousesoundmouse soundpele
applesoundapple soundābols
bananasoundbanana soundbanāns
grapessoundgrapes soundvīnogas
lemonsoundlemon soundcitrons
carrotsoundcarrot  burkāns