, English: Main concepts The Bird and<br>the Basket


English: Main concepts The Bird and
the Basket

learnEnglish: Main concepts The Bird and
the Basket

 The Bird and the Basket 
 A bird and a basket illustrate prepositions: above, inside, on top of, under, next to, etc. 
a birdsounda bird 
a basketsounda basket 
The bird is <strong>above</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is above the basket. 
The bird is <strong>in</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is in the basket. 
The bird is <strong>inside</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is inside the basket. 
The bird is <strong>on top of</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is on top of the basket. 
The bird is <strong>below</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is below the basket. 
The bird is <strong>behind</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is behind the basket. 
The bird is <strong>in front of</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is in front of the basket. 
The bird is <strong>next to</strong> the basket.soundThe bird is next to the basket.