
English: Logic Puzzles Girls and Hats

logicEnglish: Logic Puzzles Girls and Hats girl

    English    Indonesian 
a red hatsounda red hat 
a blue hatsounda blue hat 
a white hatsounda white hat 
 soundEmily has a teddy bear. 
 soundThe girl with the blue hat has a doll. 
 soundJane has a white hat. 
Emily is wearing a red hat. She has a teddy bear.soundEmily is wearing a red hat. She has a teddy bear. 
Mary is wearing a blue hat. She has a doll.soundMary is wearing a blue hat. She has a doll. 
Jane is wearing a white hat. She has a ball.soundJane is wearing a white hat. She has a ball. 
dollsounddoll soundboneka
ballsoundball soundbola
teddy bearsoundteddy bear soundboneka beruang