
English: Matching Game Where does Food come from?

matchingEnglish: Matching Game Where does Food come from? food

How to play: Click any of the pictures to hear the word. Drag one picture to mathc another picture, or place, where it belongs. For example in the weather, the picture of the umbrella is dragged to the picture of the rain. When you have matched all of the items, click the arrow button to scramble the pictures and play again.

What is learned:  This activity encourages the child to think logically and see the relationship between two objects. They will learn the vocabulary in the game.

Getting the most out of the activity: Say the words along with the computer.

Group activities: Find pictures of matching objects. Give each person one of the pictures and have them find their partner. Each child can tell what picture he has. With just one or a few children, lay the pictures on a table, and let them pair up the pictures, saying the words as they match the pictures.

    English    Turkish 
 soundWhere does food come from? Yiyecek nereden gelir?
 soundMatch the food to where it comes from. Yiyecekleri geldikleri yerler ile eşleştirelim.
 Put everything where it belongs. 
 soundHens lay eggs. Tavuklar yumurtlarlar.
 soundCows give milk. İnekler süt verirler.
 soundBees make honey. Arılar bal yaparlar.
 soundCarrots grow in the garden. Havuçlar bahçede yetişirler.
 soundApples grow on trees. Elmalar ağaçta yetişirler.
gardensoundgarden soundbahçe
applesoundapple soundelma
milksoundmilk soundsüt
cowsoundcow soundinek
beesoundbee soundarı
carrotsoundcarrot soundhavuç
eggsoundegg soundyumurta
hensoundhen soundtavuk
honeysoundhoney soundbal
treesoundtree soundağaç