
日本語: こどものゲーム

children日本語: こどものゲーム

How to play: Select letters, upper case or lower case (depending on the language.) When the dots appear click them in sequence. As you click each dot you will hear the word and part of the picture is revealed. When you click the last dot you will see the whole picture and hear the name of the object. At this point you can color the picture by clicking the color buttons that appear. You can do a new picture by clicking either the numbers or the letters again.

What is learned:  This activity helps the student learn the alphabet in sequence. The names of the objects and the colors are also reviewed.

Getting the most out of the activity: Say the alphabet as you click the dot. Say the names of the colors as you click them.

Group activities: The first person says the first letter, go around in a circle with each student saying the next letter. Point to a printed letter or number and ask each person to say the word. Write the letters on cards. Give each student a card and have the students arrange themselves in order. If there is just one student let him arrange the cards in order.

    日本語 Transliteration  RussianTransliteration
ちゃいろsoundちゃいろ soundкоричневый
くじらsoundくじら soundкит
うさぎsoundうさぎ soundкролик
テディーベアsoundテディーベア soundплюшевый мишка
あかsoundあか soundкрасный
きいろsoundきいろ soundжёлтый
あおsoundあお soundсиний
みどりsoundみどり soundзелёный
くろsoundくろ soundчёрный
むらさきsoundむらさき soundфиолетовый
オレンジsoundオレンジ soundоранжевый
しろsoundしろ soundбелый
ピンクsoundピンク soundрозовый
あおみどりsoundあおみどり soundбирюзовый
はいいろsoundはいいろ soundсерый
とりsoundとり soundптица
ぞうsoundぞう soundслон
でんしゃsoundでんしゃ soundпоезд