
汉语: 科学 我们的太阳系

science汉语: 科学 我们的太阳系

How to play: The video will start playing automatically when it finishes loading

Click nextto play the video again. You can also use the buttons to pause and go back to the beginning.

What is learned: The students learn science vocabulary and concepts.

Getting the most out of the activity: Repeat the words.

    汉语 Transliteration  German 
 sound我们的太阳系 Unser Sonnensystem
 sound但 他们不是! 
太阳系sound太阳系 sound
天文学家sound天文学家 sound
彗星sound彗星 sound
小行星sound小行星 sound
 sound行星 sound
 水星sound 水星 sound
金星sound金星 sound
火星sound火星 sound
木星sound木星 sound
土星sound土星 sound
天王星sound天王星 sound
海王星sound海王星 sound
冥王星sound冥王星 sound
月亮sound月亮 yue liangsoundMond
太阳sound太阳 tai yangsoundSonne
地球sound地球 di qiusoundErde
星形sound星形 xing xingsoundStern