
Русский: Существительные и местоимения Притяжательные местоимения

nounsРусский: Существительные и местоимения Притяжательные местоимения

I have my book.I have my book.

Learn to use possesives: my, his, her, your, their, etc.

soundI have my book. I have /*my*/ book.      

soundI have my books. I have /*my*/ books.      

soundWe have our book. We have /*our*/ book.      We have /*our*/ book.      

soundWe have our books. We have /*our*/ books.      We have /*our*/ books.      

soundYou have your book. You have /*your*/ book.      You have /*your*/ book.      You have /*your*/ book.      You have /*your*/ book.      

soundYou have your books. You have /*your*/ books.      You have /*your*/ books.      

soundYou have your book. You have /*your*/ book.      

soundYou have your books. You have /*your*/ books.      You have /*your*/ books.      

soundHe has his book. He has /*his*/ book.      

soundHe has his books. He has /*his*/ books.      

soundShe has her book. She has /*her*/ book.      

soundShe has her books. She has /*her*/ books.      

soundThey have their book. They have /*their*/ book.      

soundThey have their books. They have /*their*/ books.      They have /*their*/ books.      

How to play: Click the green buttonnext to see the next picture, click the red buttonrestartrestart to go back to the beginning. Each picture shows a form of the possessive. You can also select a sentence from the drop down list. Click the question markquiz to take the quiz.

What is learned:  The student will learn the words for possessives.

Getting the most out of the activity: Look at each picture. Make sure that you repeat the words and phrases that you hear. When you have learned all of the words, click the question mark to take the quiz. Repeat until you get all of the questions right.

Group activities: Find pictures of people in a magazine, paste pictures of objects in each persons hands, starting with books, then use other pictures. Ask the students to use the right possessive form for each picture.

Научете се да използвате съществителните имена, местоименията и други думи, за да говорите за хората.
Правила на играта: Кликнете върху зеления бутон next, за да видите следващата картинка. Всички картинки в нея демонстрират какви местоимения човек употребява за хората.
Какво се научава: Учениците ще научат думите за съществителните имена, местоименията и др.
Как ще получите най-добри резултати: Погледнете всяка картинка. Уверете се, че правилно повтаряте думите и фразите, които чувате. Когато научите всички думи, кликнете върху въпросителния знак, за да премините към теста. Повтаряйте, докато не получите верни отговори на всички въпроси.
Колективни игри: Намерете картинки на хора в списание. Помолете учениците да използват правилните съществителни имена, местоимения и др. за всяка снимка.

    English Transliteration  BulgarianTransliteration
 soundI have my book. Това е моята книга.
 soundYou have your book. Това е твоята книга.
 soundYou have your book. Това е Вашата книга.
 soundHe has his book. Това е неговата книга.
 soundShe has her book. Това е нейната книга.
 soundWe have our book. Това е нашата книга.
 soundWe have our book. soundТова е нашата книга.
 soundYou have your book. Това е вашата книга.
 soundYou have your book. Това е вашата книга.
 soundYou have your book. Това е вашата книга.
 soundThey have their book. Това е тяхната книга.
 soundThey have their book. Това е тяхната книга.
 soundI have my books. Това са моите книги.
 soundYou have your books. Това са твоите книги.
 soundYou have your books. Това са Вашите книги.
 soundHe has his books. Това са неговите книги.
 soundShe has her books. Това са нейните книги.
 soundWe have our books. Това са нашите книги.
 soundWe have our books. soundТова са нашите книги.
 soundYou have your books. Това са вашите книги.
 soundYou have your books. Това са вашите книги.
 soundYou have your books. Това са вашите книги.
 soundThey have their books. Това са техните книги.
 soundThey have their books. Това са техните книги.