
Русский: Игры в крестики-нолики швейные принадлежности

tic-tac-toeРусский: Игры в крестики-нолики швейные принадлежности sewing

How to play:Click on each picture to learn the vocabulary, then select either 1 or 2 people to play.

The ide is to get 3 squares in a row in any direction.

To claim a square, listen to the sound, then select the picture that matches.

What is learned?: This activity makes learning vocabulary fun. A regular tic-tac-toe game usually ends in a tie with older children, but in this version, they have to learn the vocabulary to win.

Getting the most from the game: Click each picture before starting the game. Repeat the word you hear.

Group activity: Select the two person game, and let two groups play against each other.

    Русский Transliteration  Englishbuenasnoches.php 
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