
English: Culture Galileo

cultureEnglish: Culture Galileo galileo

    English    Latvian 
 soundGalileo Galilei 
 soundToday we all know what our galaxy looks like and we can count the stars. 
 soundWe must thank Galileo Galilei for this. 
 soundHe was the one who invented the telescope. 
 soundThanks to him, we know that the Earth revolves around the sun. 
 soundAt that time, the church taught that the Earth was the center of the Universe. 
 soundThe Pope arrested Galileo. 
 soundHe was under house arrest for the rest of his life. 
 soundWhile he was under house arrest, he kept writing on physics and astronomy. 
 soundScientists call Galileo the father of modern physics.  
 soundHe was also an astronomer. 
 soundHe discovered the four largest moons of Jupiter. 
 soundThose moons are called "the Galilean moons" in his honor. 
 soundGalileo Galilei died in 1642 at the age of 77.