|   | Français |   |   | English |   |
  | | Louis Braille | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Louis Braille |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Louis Braille est né en 1809. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Louis Braille was born in 1809. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Il est né dans une petite ville près de Paris. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | He was born in a small town near Paris. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Quand il avait 3 ans, il est devenu aveugle suite à un accident. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | When he was 3 years old, an accident made him blind. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Ses parents voulaient qu’il ait une vie normale. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | His parents wanted Louis to live a normal life. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Ils lui ont appris à marcher avec une canne. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | They taught him to walk with a cane. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Grâce à la canne, il pouvait se déplacer seul. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Using the cane he was able to walk around by himself. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Bien qu’il soit aveugle, il était bon élève. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Although he was blind, he was a very good student. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | À l’âge de 10 ans, il est allé à une école pour aveugles à Paris. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | When he was 10, he went to a school for the blind in Paris. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | À son école, il y avait des livres aux caractères en relief. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | At his school there were books with raised letters. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Les caractères en relief rendaient les livres très épais et lourds. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | The raised letters made the books very big and heavy. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | La Lecture de ces livres était très lente et difficile. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Reading these books was very slow and difficult. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Louis voulait trouver une meilleure façon d’imprimer des livres pour aveugles. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Louis wanted to find a better way to print books for the blind. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | En 1821, il a appris que les soldats écrivaient des messages avec des points en relief. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | In 1821, he learned that soldiers wrote messages with raised dots. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Les points en relief rendaient possible la lecture dans le noir. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | The raised dots made it possible to read the messages in the dark. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Il a modifié cette écriture en créant le système Braille. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | He modified this writing to create the Braille system. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Le système Braille est utilisé pour l’impression des livres pour aveugles. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | The Braille system is used to print books for the blind. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Le système Braille est utilisé depuis plus de 200 ans. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | The Braille system has been used for over 200 years. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | En 1833, Louis est devenu professeur à son école à Paris. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | In 1833 Louis became a professor at his school in Paris. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Louis a aussi étudié la musique. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Louis also studied music. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Il jouait de l’orgue dans les églises partout à Paris. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | He played the organ in churches all over Paris. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Louis Braille avait de nombreux problèmes de santé. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Louis Braille had many health problems. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Il est mort en 1852 à l’âge de 40 ans. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | He died in 1852 at the age of 40. |