|   | Français |   |   | English |   |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | La métamorphose d'une chenille | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Metamorphosis of a Caterpillar |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Le papillon pond ses oeufs sur des feuilles ou des plantes. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | A butterfly lays her eggs on leaves or plants. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Le papillon pond beaucoup de tout petits oeufs. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | She lays a lot of very little eggs. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Certains de ces oeufs n'écloront pas pour devenir des papillons. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Not all of the eggs will hatch and become butterflies. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Lorsque l'oeuf éclôt, on l'appelle une larve ou une chenille. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | When the egg hatches it is called a larva or caterpillar. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | La première chose que fait une chenille, c'est manger la feuille ou la plante sur laquelle était l'oeuf. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | The first thing the caterpillar does is eat the leaf or plant that the egg was on. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | La chenille mange, mange et mange ! | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | The caterpillar eats, and eats, and eats! |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Elle devient de plus en plus grosse ! | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | It gets bigger and bigger! |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Elle mue 4 ou 5 fois au fur et à mesure de son développement. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | It sheds its skin 4 or 5 times as it grows. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Elle peut faire jusqu'à cent fois la taille de l'oeuf. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | It can grow to 100 times the size of the egg. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Lorsque la chenille arrête de grandir, on l'appelle une pupe. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | When the caterpillar stops growing it is a pupa. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | La pupe s'appelle aussi une chrysalide. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | The pupa is also called a chrysalis. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | En général, la pupe se suspend à la pointe d'une feuille. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | The pupa usually hangs from the bottom of a leaf. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | À l'intérieur de la pupe, de nombreux changements ont lieu. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Inside the pupa many changes take place. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Les pattes, les ailes et les yeux commencent à se développer. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | The legs, wings and eyes start to form. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Finalement, la pupe se transforme en papillon. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Finally, the pupa changes into a butterfly. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | La chenille a les pattes courtes, deux petites antennes et de tout petits yeux. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | A caterpillar has short legs, short antennae, and tiny eyes. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Le papillon a de longues pattes, de longues antennes et des yeux composés. | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | The butterfly has long legs, long antennae, and compound eyes. |
  | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Mais ce qu'il y a de mieux encore, c'est que le papillon a des ailes et peut voler ! | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | Best of all, a butterfly has wings and can fly! |
![oeuf de papillon oeuf de papillon](/images/vocabulary/N1380s.png) | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | oeuf de papillon | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | butterfly egg |
![chenille chenille](/images/vocabulary/N1381s.png) | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | chenille | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | caterpillar |
![larve larve](/images/vocabulary/N1382s.png) | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | larve | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | larva |
![pupe pupe](/images/vocabulary/N1383s.png) | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | pupe | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | pupa |
![chrysalide chrysalide](/images/vocabulary/N1384s.png) | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | chrysalide | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | chrysalis |
![papillon papillon](/images/vocabulary/N556s.png) | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | papillon | | ![sound](/images/general/playSound.png) | butterfly |