
汉语: 对话 在旅馆登记

conversations汉语: 对话 在旅馆登记 hotel

每个对话框 (对话) 具有不同的主题。




Note: Names used in the dialogs are different in each language.
    汉语 Transliteration  Japanese/?familyGroup=x 
 在旅馆登记 At the Hotel
 一对情侣在旅馆登记 A couple checks into the hotel.
 sound晚上好 wan shang hao.soundGood evening!
 sound你们需要什么? ni men xu yao shen me/soundHow can I help you?
 sound我们姓王。 wo men xing wang.soundWe are the Thomases
 sound我们订了一间双人房,订了两个晚上。 wo men ding le yi jian shuang ren fang, ding le liang ge wan shang.soundWe have a reservation for two people, for two nights.
 sound好的,王先生。 hao de, wang xian sheng.soundVery well, Mr. Thomas.
 sound您需要双人床还是两张单人床? nin xu yao shuang ren chuang hai shi liang zhang dan ren chuang.soundDo you want a double bed or two singles?
 sound双人床。 shuang ren chuang.soundA double, please.
 sound房间里是不是有单独的卫生间? fang jian li shi bu shi you dan du de wei sheng jian.soundThe room has a private bath doesn't it?
 sound是的,有热水和冷水 shi de, you re shui he leng shui.soundYes, with hot and cold water.
 sound还有空调。 hai you kong tiao. soundIt also has air conditioning.
 sound一个晚上多少钱? yi ge wan shang duo shao qian.soundHow much is it per night?
 sound200块一个晚上。 liang bai kuai yi ge wan shang. soundSeventy dollars per night.
 sound我们接受信用卡。 wo men jie shou xin yong ka. soundWe accept credit cards.
 sound我喜欢用旅行支票。 wo xi huan yong lv xing zhi piao.soundI prefer to pay with travelers checks.
 sound很好。您的房间是235,是观景房。 hen hao. ni de fang jian si er san wu, shi guan jing fang.soundVery good. Your room is 235 and overlooks the street.
 sound您可以看到美丽的景色。 nin ke yi kan dao mei li de jing se. soundIt has a beautiful view.
 sound谢谢 xie xie. soundThank you.
 sound我们什么时间结帐? wo men shi hou jie zhang. soundWhat time do we have to check out?
 sound一点钟,行李员一会儿把你们的行李送过去。 yi dian zhong, xing li yian yi hui er ba ni men de xing li song guo qu. soundAt one. The bell hop will bring your bags in a moment.
前台接待员sound前台接待员 qian tai jie dai yuansounddesk clerk
皮箱sound皮箱 pi xiangsoundsuitcase